What's so special about Silkies? [got them!]

I actually went to the Silkie thread and saw you on there. Only problem is that you're almost 2 and a half hours away from me.
With gas prices the way that they are, I don't know if I'm willing to drive that far for a Silkie when I can order one and pay maybe 10 dollars to just drive five minutes to pick it up..

I know what you mean about the gas prices !!
I'm sure there is someone closer with them. ask on the hoosier site .
I actually went to the Silkie thread and saw you on there. Only problem is that you're almost 2 and a half hours away from me.
With gas prices the way that they are, I don't know if I'm willing to drive that far for a Silkie when I can order one and pay maybe 10 dollars to just drive five minutes to pick it up..

I know what you mean about the gas prices !!
I'm sure there is someone closer with them. ask on the hoosier site .

I also just went through that thread to see if there's anyone near me. Didn't see any.
I did talk to this guy who is about 30 minutes away that's on here. Don't know if he's got Silkies though.
I used the wing sexing method that they use in commercial businesses. It worked well with my silkies so I trust it. You can see it at about 3:35 in this video
but I would warn you that the vid is upsetting in how chicks are treated. I thought it was very informative on sexing though since it shows you how and I'm not good at just reading and understanding what they meant when it was explained in txt. Silkies weren't what I initially thought would be my favorite chickens either, but I got a few for "broodies" and now I couldn't imagine ever not having them. My husband, and in laws, kids and neighbors are all involved with my chickens now because of them. Mine are so tame and loving and fun for my six year old and two year old. I hope you have a great experience with them
Who wouldn't like to see a bunch of cotton balls strutting around their back yard? We love them. They are the only breed I will let my daughter name as they are the only breed that will not end up in the stew pot eventually. They make the best parents of any chicken breed that I have raised and they are really fun to watch. Im due to hatch a dozen silkies tomorrow and these are supposed to be show girls. I don't know what that means, but thats what the description said on ebay. We have one silkie right now that is pretty lonely so Im hoping for a good hatch. We had some silkies in the past and they were beautiful. Sprinkles is a nice looking gal but we keep comparing her to lucy which was our favorite silkie from the ones we had before. Lucy was probably a show girl I imagine. Her and her main squeeze Ricky produced a whole passel of puff balls to admire. I simply can't wait for my puff balls to hatch.
So the lady called me this morning.
She said that she can't make sure I get a pullet, because the place they get them from will not sex the bantams before shipping, and she doesn't know how.
She also told me that they're ordering 35 of them and that she'll separate two white ones (because that's what I want) for me just in case.
If there are any in the bin still, I can swap mine out for different ones if I'd like, but she's making sure I get the two I asked for.

Oh yeah, I didn't mention it, but we decided to get two, just because we want a better chance of getting a pullet.

Last time I picked eight out of a straight run bin, I only got two roosters.
So hopefully I'll get lucky and get two pullets.

She's going to call me when they come in. I'll post pictures when I get them.
Are they coming today?????? SEEE arent silkies just so darn attractive!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!

No, not today. She just ordered them today. Sadly, I have no idea when they'll get them.
I still think they're ugly.
That is very nice that they will order some for you and try to get you the color etc.. that you want. Feel right over the comb area, often the smoothest feeling flat combs are females. Also look at the feet, big feet with long toes, especially the extra toes can also mean a roo. No guarantee but helps up the chance....

I'll have Sophie Cheer for ya...... Maybe the Silkie Luck will rub off.......


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