Whats the best chickens for eggs?

My white leghorns are daily egg laying machines and they don't eat as much as my barred rock hens. My barred rock girls give about 5 eggs per week.
White eggs don't get as much respect as brown eggs, though. Anybody ever notice that?
I can't wait til my BSL's start laying. This is my first time having them and folks say they give big beautiful brown eggs and lots of them.
That will be great for my egg business!
What chicken breeds lay the most eggs? Thanks

i saw it in a video once.

a certain breed that will lay 364 eggs per year..

it's in this video

That was one single hen, a Black Australorpe who set that record. To my knowledge, that record has not been matched since. While BA's are good layers, one should not expect that kind of record from any BA, or any hen of any other breed! (Good to hope for, but not realistic.)
Really? That's so odd. Maybe I read wrong ,i dont know. Just looked up the reviews on here and it seems some people do say they peck the other hens but then others don't have issues with it and I don't (though mine are EEs not the actual breed) so maybe it depends. But either way I have heard a lot that they're supposed to be gentle and docile with people. Maybe thats mostly what i heard. I don't know. But @Sylvester017 I think it is bas one and her's is really docile and non combative with the others so it must depend. Maybe it depends on the parents? I bet hatchery ones probably tend to be more aggressive being bred mostly for eggs, same with all the hatchery breeds. Breeders probably don't tolerate aggression. Though of course it probably depends.

My 3-yr-old Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (my avatar at 5-mo) has been non-combative and submissive to my Silkies. She's never been interested in flock domination or politics but has been more interested in the noises, motions, and intruders into the yard like stray cats, Mourning Doves or Sparrows, etc. We called her our sentinel/guardian because you never saw her 100% relaxed, always wary, cautious, alert. We opened the egg collection door or the cleanout door at night and while the others slept she would be the one to be alert, stand up, and start murmuring. She's been ill for a few weeks and medicine the vet prescribed didn't improve her. We had to put the poor sweet baby to sleep today. R.I.P. Taffy girl.

My last photos of her taken this morning.

My 3-yr-old Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (my avatar at 5-mo) has been non-combative and submissive to my Silkies. She's never been interested in flock domination or politics but has been more interested in the noises, motions, and intruders into the yard like stray cats, Mourning Doves or Sparrows, etc. We called her our sentinel/guardian because you never saw her 100% relaxed, always wary, cautious, alert. We opened the egg collection door or the cleanout door at night and while the others slept she would be the one to be alert, stand up, and start murmuring. She's been ill for a few weeks and medicine the vet prescribed didn't improve her. We had to put the poor sweet baby to sleep today. R.I.P. Taffy girl.

My last photos of her taken this morning.

Poor hen. I'm so, so sorry
True Ameraucanas are usually docile and quiet. Easter Eggers are mixes and depending on what went into them can really change their temperament. Almost all the "Ameraucana" at feed stores are really Easter Eggers, so who knows what kind of chicken you'll end up with.
I have had my Sex Links for a few weeks... and I haven't had any issues, BUT... they lay HUGE eggs! we get at least 1 double yolker a day from our 15 hens. so, i wouldn't be surprised if that happened sometime. :cd

I've had three, and they never did.

One of my Buff Orpingtons would get egg bound...she layed massive eggs. When she died a few years ago, I'm pretty sure it was because she was egg bound.

My one Easter Egger lays massive eggs when she first started laying. Now she's recently gone back to more normal size eggs but they're still pretty big and occasionally she still throws a huge egg. Usually she then takes a break for a day then resumes laying. She laid big eggs from her second egg on (first was broken shell). Hers were also often double yolkers. So i hope she doesn't become egg bound eventually.
My 3-yr-old Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (my avatar at 5-mo) has been non-combative and submissive to my Silkies. She's never been interested in flock domination or politics but has been more interested in the noises, motions, and intruders into the yard like stray cats, Mourning Doves or Sparrows, etc. We called her our sentinel/guardian because you never saw her 100% relaxed, always wary, cautious, alert. We opened the egg collection door or the cleanout door at night and while the others slept she would be the one to be alert, stand up, and start murmuring. She's been ill for a few weeks and medicine the vet prescribed didn't improve her. We had to put the poor sweet baby to sleep today. R.I.P. Taffy girl. My last photos of her taken this morning.
Poor hen and you! So sorry, had no idea :(
True Ameraucanas are usually docile and quiet. Easter Eggers are mixes and depending on what went into them can really change their temperament. Almost all the "Ameraucana" at feed stores are really Easter Eggers, so who knows what kind of chicken you'll end up with.
That's true too
My one Easter Egger lays massive eggs when she first started laying. Now she's recently gone back to more normal size eggs but they're still pretty big and occasionally she still throws a huge egg. Usually she then takes a break for a day then resumes laying. She laid big eggs from her second egg on (first was broken shell). Hers were also often double yolkers. So i hope she doesn't become egg bound eventually.
One of my Buff Orpingtons and one of my RIRs would lay huge eggs, but they were never egg bound. You shouldn't have trouble ... unless you have a tiny little hen! :)

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