Valbazen(albendazole) The most effective wormer for poultry since the old wormall tablets were taken off the market ten years ago..Kills every worm known to poultry, it even shows properties against coccidiosis and blackhead...
Wazine 17 is fine to use for chickens..I treat with follow up at end of winter and end of summer before cold weather.
fecal tests will show if a broader wormer is needed.

here is a link to see what the bottle looks like:


easy to use..1 ounce per gallon of drinking water..use for 1 full day..then re-treat in 10-14 days. Full instructions are on the bottle.
Wazine's active ingredient is piperazine..it gets rid of adult round worms only, and has been used for years.
other broader wormers, such as Ivermectin (Ivermec/Eprinex), Cydectin (moxidectin) levamisole, and Panacur (fenbendazole)are options.
Ivomec//Eprinex and Cydectin also de-bugs them.

it is always best to have a fecal sample tested for worms and protozoa..

to the poster who asked about wormers for cats..
piperazine is available at Walmart and pet supply stores.
for broader wormers..best to see a vet..cats are very sensitive and shouldn't be wormed using dog wormers, etc.

as to bathing chickens for shows..
cat shampoo. or Adams flea shampoo are often used by show people..dilute the shampoo.
does anyone have any opinion on washing show birds with flea shampoo? I appreciate the wormer info. I think I'll continue recommending DE and for suspected worms I'll give the kids the recommendations!
Perhaps you could talk to your local Vet about having a "Chicken Fecal Day" for the 4H and they can bring in their chickens and have fecals done and see the results. Is their a badge for Chicken Poo Inspector....hehe

Wazine is safe to use in chickens. It is NOT off label for them as other wormers are. Read the bottle for directions. YOU CAN EAT THE EGGS AFTER 14 days, come on. There is no biological half life after 14 days. If you can eat the meat, you can eat the eggs.

There are MANY other threads that talk about worming your birds. Go to them now by doing a search on the subject. What you have learned here is just the tip of the ice berg.

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