Whats the most beautiful chicken you have ever seen ?

These pictures belong to @djcap and they are his stunning brahmas
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We want pictures ! Have you ever been rambling through the threads and ran up on a chicken that just made you freeze in your spot and possible even a tear slip out sideways ? I did, Today . Lets see your OMG moments with breed if possible .
This is Eleanor and every time I look through my pictures and see her face I can’t help but shed a few tears. I rescued Eleanor from slaughter when she was only a month old but she lived 7 months as a happy and healthy chicken before passing from depression after I had to rehome my whole flock.
They want $60 for an appenzeller spitzhauben! I can get those for 5 bucks. They say they're better quality and hardier... but at $60? Nope. Sorry.

And their "chocolate partridge wyandottes" at 99 a piece just look like poor quality regular partridge to me. Cute, I suppose, but not worth the extravagant amounts of money.
I believe almost all the breeds that they sell are from imported stock. They say on their website that they cull heavily. I don’t understand why they don’t have a pet quality section of the breeds they have and sell them for a largely reduced price compared to the breeding stock :barnie I applied for an internship at Greenfire Farms a couple weeks ago. I hope I get it, then they can pay me in chickens :D
Ok folks, I just might have to report this site to the moderators. OP, you have single handedly caused many back yard chicken keepers who were doing ok, until you initiated this thread. They have now fallen off the wagon into the dangerous territory of lusting after not just this breed, or that breed, but, like a kid in a candy store, gotta experience them all. Oh the shame of it.

And Brama Chicken, you are a co-enabler. Posting GFF as a place to check out the Death Layer. One has to scroll down the A - D list in order to get to the Death Layer.

Don't look at GFF web site. It is the ultimate chicken porn site.

So to save the rest of you from falling all the way off the wagon, and rolling into the ditch of lust, I'll post a pic (if I can) and a description of the Death Layer.


As a chicken the Deathlayer seems to have it all: the coolest breed name in all of poultrydom, spectacular good looks, and a history in its native Germany that goes back more than 400 years. How did it merit being called a Deathlayer, a name that is metal to the core? There are two competing theories. A literal translation of its German name, Totleger, means “death layer.” One theory has it that the name was bestowed because the hens of this breed are so productive they lay an egg each day until the day they die. The second theory –less sensational but probably more accurate-- is that the breed was first described by a different name in low German (Dauerleger or, literally, “day layer”), and over the centuries this name morphed into Totleger. Either way, what cannot be denied is that the Deathlayers do lay a large volume of medium-sized white eggs, and their remarkable appearance is like having visiting royalty in your chicken coop.
Guilty as charged :p :gig
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Um... Which hatchery??? It would have to be one that has nice warm sunny weather. I think we should be allowed to pick out our own samples. As far as gender goes, we'll take the Forrest Gump approach. "Chicks are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get." But, I'd go for the black ones without the white frosting on head and shoulders.

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