What's the temperature where you are???

Friday 728 AM 51 feels 49 beautiful blue sky


Friday 12 May 2024

It was 12C this morning and pelting down rain. Turned the horses out with their rain sheets to help keep them dry.

It’s now dropped to 8C (46F), still raining lightly and the wind is up, weather warnings are out for high winds and overnight snow.

The ground is beyond saturated, and is just running over the ground into water ways.

Horses look ok

All the chooks are locked up safe in the barn where it’s dry and warm. Looks like they are having fun kicking the straw bedding out of the horses’ stalls!
You go girls!

…..more work for me after work 🤨
It always astonishes me that people live in such extreme environments - whether desert or arctic.

Humans are truly adaptable.

Some are. I'm not one of those. I come from the California coast and my ancestry is from the coasts of northern Europe. I don't like weather extremes. The American southwest is definitely not the place for me. All I can do is endure and look out for my animals and long for November.

What impresses me is people who came here in the 1800s from places like New England and set up house, without electricity or ice or really any way to cool off except for hand fans and shade. It's not like women back then could do ranch chores in shorts and a tank top. I do not know how they survived.

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