What's this weird thingie I found on a tree? I have pics.


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards
I've also seen these weird things at school. It's really hard and has a bunch of layers. Sorry about the pics being dark and gloomy, it is not that dark in the computer room. :hmm




I really wanna bust it open but it's all crunchy and it will probably make a mess.
definitely praying mantis egg case.
1 of my neighbors put a BIG egg case on their closed in back porch a couple years ago figuring she'd put it out in early spring before it hatched...then forgot....it took them DAYS before all the little mantis babies were taken outside...LOL:lau
Oh.. Er uh I unfortunately went at it with a fork... It's not broken but I smushed the top a bit. Will it be okay? Pretty cool though.
In 1992, we were living in Miami Beach, Florida, (we are native Philadelphians). Every thing was completely alien to what we were used to...trick-or-treating was different, lizards moved into our jack-o-lantern, had to turn on AC to cook Thanksgiving turkey....and the Christmas tree was imported all the way from North Carolina and cost $85 (for a similar tree this year, I paid $45) so that was expensive. But, we noticed this little walnut-sized ball attached to one of the branches, and just figured, for the price of the tree, at least they threw in a free ornament. Well, on New Years Day, 1993, that cute little ornament gave birth to mmmmilllllllions of tiny little space aliens (praying mantises) that marched steadily toward the sun.....all over my childrens' Christmas presents under the tree.That's when I learned what a "blood-curdling scream" really sounded like! My son was 5, my daughter 3.
So, short answer long.....put that thing back outside, quick, before you are visited by the hordes of little space monsters. BTW, they are an endangered species and cannot be harmed. Good luck!

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maizy'smom :

In 1992, we were living in Miami Beach, Florida, (we are native Philadelphians). Every thing was completely alien to what we were used to...trick-or-treating was different, lizards moved into our jack-o-lantern, had to turn on AC to cook Thanksgiving turkey....and the Christmas tree was imported all the way from North Carolina and cost $85 (fot a similar tree this year, I paid $45) so that was expensive. But, we noticed this little walnut-sized ball attached to one of the branches, and just figured, for the price of the tree, at least they threw in a free ornament. Well, on New Years Day, 1993, that cute little ornament gave birth to mmmmilllllllions of tiny little space aliens (praying mantises) that marched steadily toward the sun.....all over my childrens' Christmas presents under the tree.That's when I learned what a "blood-curdling scream" really sounded like! My son was 5, my daughter 3.
So, short answer long.....put that thing back outside, quick, before you are visited by the hordes of little space monsters. BTW, they are an endangered species and cannot be harmed. Good luck!


Most awesome story, ever! I'm sure not very funny at the time, though.......​

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