What's wrong with her bottom?


8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
Roanoke, VA
Ok, this is Haley's butt! She is a large girl and over the summer when she went to the bathroom she would end up with poop on her feathers. I clipped the feathers and would wash her bottom. Then one day when checking her I found lice. I have dusted with sevin and I am not seeing any lice but now she has either lost her feathers or pulled them out. She still has a few feather under her vent and they get poop on them but its too cold to give her a bath. Her bottom looks bad all red and featherless. Not sure if I need to do something else, she seems a little uncomfortable when I try to take a look. I just want to see if there is anything I can do or if anyone knows what is happening.

It looks as though she still has some lice eggs stuck around the base of the feathers. You many need to treat her again for lice at weekly intervals. Are you sure she doesn't have any mites on her? Is she still laying?
Is it ok to treat weekly with Sevin or do I need to wait 10 days? I haven't seen any mites just the lice and when checking today no active lice. I think she is still laying...I have 5 girls 4 of which lay brown eggs and I don't know who is laying. I am getting 1 - 2 brown eggs a day. Any suggestions about keeping the bottom clean from poop?
We had a lice problem this summer and I went ahead and treated mine every week. I dusted them, the shavings, the walls of the coop lol. I wanted those things gone!

Have you checked to see if maybe the other hens are picking at her bottom?
Found a few lice on one or two others but nothing that bad, did treat them all and the coop/nesting boxes. I haven't seen anyone bothering her but I am not with them all day. I do know she doesn't sleep on the roost with the others most nights. They all pick on my EE!
I have a similar problem there is poop stuck over my chickens bottom... anyone have any idea what to do? Only one of my 22 chickens has that problem.
I have the same problem with just one of my hens, the poop always stuck to her bum. I just wash her bottom now & then. No lice on her but over the summer had a lice problem only with one of my hens again. Washed her with dawn dish soap to try to get the horrible lice eggs off her feathers with not much luck then treated her with the sevin powder. Did get the lice under control but took a big toll on my girl. Wish I had some great wisdom to offer but I too am new to this. Just want to wish you luck with your girl. Hope someone has the info you need. Best Wishes from PA.
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