What's wrong with my chicken

Thank you guys!!!! My first batch of chicks, I'm such an overprotective mom. Just want my little ladies to have a great life
Just a little update. I took my girl to the vets and they aren't too concerned. He's said to re-worm her and gave me more fluvenbet he wondered about gapeworm. He was happy with her comb colour and said physically she seems fine. I'm sure she's bloated but he assures me she's not?? He said if she's still off colour in 4 or 5 days I can nip in and pick up some antibiotics. He doesnt specialise in chickens but wont turn a sick bird away. I'll keep you up to date on her progress. Wish us luck
I've just been reading up on gapeworm. None of her symptoms are the same as what they would be really for that. Watch this space.
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Just a little update. I took my girl to the vets and they aren't too concerned. He's said to re-worm her and gave me more fluvenbet he wondered about gapeworm. He was happy with her comb colour and said physically she seems fine. I'm sure she's bloated but he assures me she's not?? He said if she's still off colour in 4 or 5 days I can nip in and pick up some antibiotics. He doesnt specialise in chickens but wont turn a sick bird away. I'll keep you up to date on her progress. Wish us luck Thanks for the update.

How is she doing?
Is she eating/drinking better?
Is her comb still purple tinged?

Glad you were able to see the vet - did he perform a fecal float test to see if it was worms?

Keep us posted.
No he didn't do any tests. He performed what I'd call a physical and internal vent check.

The ends of her comb aren't as bad at the moment I'm observing her to see if the colour develops more through the day.

She's not eating or drinking great but did eat some meat this morning. The vet also said because he's confident she's not contagious I should return her to the flock. I kinda got the impression he thought keeping her inside for some extra loving was crazy. Haha
She was quite lively this morning so I think a night in with me has given her some quiet time to rest. At least worms is an easy fix if he's right. Il give her till Tuesday if not il get the antibiotics.
No he didn't do any tests. He performed what I'd call a physical and internal vent check.

The ends of her comb aren't as bad at the moment I'm observing her to see if the colour develops more through the day.

She's not eating or drinking great but did eat some meat this morning. The vet also said because he's confident she's not contagious I should return her to the flock. I kinda got the impression he thought keeping her inside for some extra loving was crazy. Haha
She was quite lively this morning so I think a night in with me has given her some quiet time to rest. At least worms is an easy fix if he's right. Il give her till Tuesday if not il get the antibiotics.

It never hurts to separate them when you think they are ill.
Crazy or not, I think we all have given at least one chicken some extra TLC at some point in time - just goes with the territory

She may be ready to be with her flock, just keep an eye on her and let us know how it goes.
Yes I will do. Thanks again for your support its been really beneficial to talk to you about the situation. I think these none chicken folk just don't get it.
Fingers crossed she gets fixed up. I personally think the extra TLC makes all the difference.

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