What's wrong with my goose? Please help


5 Years
Jul 8, 2019
Something is wrong with my sweet girl Honkers. Friday she was perfectly healthy and acting fine. Yesterday, she had what appeared to be a very crooked neck - I have pictures of that. Today, however, she seemed unable to stand or walk properly, as if very weak. She is able to hold her head up again, but can only walk about ten or less steps before sitting down. She also has a hard time getting to her feet. Her wings also seem to be "crossed over" each other. I don't know what to do. Please help me make her healthy again.
Have you started the vitamin supplementation as suggested in your other thread ?
I will be trying that tomorrow as I will be able to get to town to get some vitamins. I just need to know if there's anything else I can be doing in the meantime to help remedy, as well as what to do if that doesn't help
I feed them a layer feed, granted I did get the last bag from a different store than usual. She was fine up until now, and the other goose and ducks seem to be healthy. During the day they all free range and get a ton of grasshoppers and lots of flora.
Would that Liquid B complex be the next best step?
What are the chances she ate something toxic?

Liquid B complex from TSC [cattle dept] may help if it's a deficiency.
What do you feed your birds?
If it’s a niacin deficiency yes! If a toxin then a flush would be best. Check the feed closely smell it also. I got the last bag of chick starter a while back boy was it old an full of bugs. Go to first page of goose forum you’ll see sticky’s look there for flushes. I’d def isolate her so you can monitor her intake of feed and water. Maybe put another gosling with her they don’t do well by themselves. Is a vet an option?
I called a nearby vet and I don't believe they really deal with fowl, so that's a bit tougher (plus even if they could, they're an hour away and I feel the drive may put quite a bit of stress on her)
How do I tell what type of deficiency it is? Would it hurt to give a small amount of supplement, just to see if it helps? Or should I try a flush first? She was walking around quite a bit better this morning, but yesterday my mother also said she had looked normal in the morning before slowly losing strength throughout the day.
I’d go with the vitamins first. We have found liquid b complex has been the miracle vitamins for our waterfowl. Try that for at least 4 days if you notice significant difference for the best then keep it up. 1 ml morning and evening if you can get her to eat a treat that would be the best way to give it to her than her water which will water it down. You can also do it by syringe with out needle. Just let us know if you decide to use the syringe so we can show you how to prevent aspirating. What her body doesn’t use she’ll pee out. TSC has the best it’s in the cattle dept and will say injectable but just peel off the foil and use triangle or drooped to pull out what you need. If she gets to where she looks paralyzed can’t lift her head(limber neck) then it maybe toxin
I’d go with the vitamins first. We have found liquid b complex has been the miracle vitamins for our waterfowl. Try that for at least 4 days if you notice significant difference for the best then keep it up. 1 ml morning and evening if you can get her to eat a treat that would be the best way to give it to her than her water which will water it down. You can also do it by syringe with out needle. Just let us know if you decide to use the syringe so we can show you how to prevent aspirating. What her body doesn’t use she’ll pee out. TSC has the best it’s in the cattle dept and will say injectable but just peel off the foil and use triangle or drooped to pull out what you need. If she gets to where she looks paralyzed can’t lift her head(limber neck) then it maybe toxin
To give it to her in treat form, do I just soak the treat or how does that work?

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