What's wrong with their feathers?

YAY! I'd be taking a tiny screwdriver and hammer to the others and help them pip a bit!

I'm tempted!

I was tempted to, but I didn't know when they were ready. At least you know when some of them are ready! It's a bad idea, but maybe a good one!
I have at least one pip this morning!! I didn't check the others b/c I was late getting out of the house for work since i only got 4 hours of sleep last night, but I saw the one pip when I snatched the 3 EE babies that hatched out of the bator. I won't be home again until after midnight, but keep those fingers (and everything else) crossed that I have babies when I get home!!
Oh, and just for the record, these eggs had 100% fertility, which I think is FANTASTIC after being shipped! I've hardly ever gotten that out of shipped eggs.

Out of my 9 eggs I had 2 bloodrings, 1 that petered out around day 5, and 6 that I'm waiting on.
SIX!!! Yeah!!!!!
Just got home from work! One of my chicks is fully hatched. Two others are pipped. One of the pips from this morning hasn't made any more progress, but is still alive, so I will probably be helping it soon.

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