What's wrong with their feathers?

The other chick had passed on by the time I got home last night.
It would have been easier if they hadn't hatched at all and hadn't gotten my hopes up.
So sorry. I know we all watch the hatches very closely and are hoping for more and more of these beautiful birds, but no one feels the loss like you do Kelly. It is so hard seeing life start and end so quickly. Hang in there, and try to enjoy the little ones that are still living.
Thanks for all the hugs. I guess it just wasn't meant to be this go around. Hopefully I'll get some more eggs for these guys or the crosses back to BBS Ameraucanas in the future.

On a positive note, my turkey hens hatched 11 poults this weekend and my goat delivered a beautiful baby girl on Easter. At least something's going right!
I hatched some more fluffy amer. chickens yesterday/last night. There were 17 eggs total, 11 hatched, one baby chick has died, so 10 are surviving as of this morning. I had to help three out of the shells at 1:00 am this morning, that were just not progressing (really stuck to the membranes).

The six that did not hatch - had three dead chicks, and three were runny (not developed).

I'm up to 21 surviving chicks hatched so far this spring:

4 chicks born January 9th - three pullets (kept) and 1 roo (sent to upintheholler)
3 chicks born March 13th
1 chick born March 25th
3 chicks born March 31st
10 chicks born April 6th

The three laying hens, are not laying now. After I moved them to the new chicken barn, they have stopped laying. I've hadd nothing from them for two weeks now.

So we're stalled for now!

Ozzie is getting along well with the two silkie hens, and I received one egg from them yesterday. Unfortunately the egg had a crack in it, so I can't incubate it. However I will collect and start incubating the eggs from that pen now for the silkie experiment.

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