What's wrong with their feathers?

Thanks for sharing the pictures Julie ! Jr.'s comb appears to my old eyes to be half way between pea and walnut and kind of adds to these chickens unique appearance ; a sort of a primitive look to me . The red bleeding through on the wings happens on blacks with a mixed genotype ; the black [ diluted to splash in these ] has been masking other colors that are now appearing in consequent matings . It happens in many breeds .

edt : Oh , congrats on the purchase of the Paul Smith Ameraucanas , they should serve you well .
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I will try and get pics but the two smaller "ropey" ones are starting to feather in. One is still on the ropey side though.

I have them in with alot of other birds in the "safe" coop due to predators and it is not going to be easy to catch them for pics. I may just have to try and zoom in with the camera.

I don't feel like making my Black Ameracauna Roo angry at me and he has been a bit protective these last few days.
There was a recent post on Rare Poultry Breeders list about someone who bred "hairy araucanas".

I've sent the poster a link to this thread, hopefully he will pop over and comment!

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