Whats wrong?!

My husband is going to get the duramycin today, but should he get the water soluble stuff like we had before? or should we try to inject them? I am kind of unsure about giving an injection.

Been watching You Tube videos and reading about it, but I don't know if I can really do it! Water soluble just seems so much easier, but is it really that much less effective?
I was kind of surprised that the hen that I put up because she was sick laid an egg yesterday. I didn't think she would.

think I hear another hen with a slight rattle, but I cant seem to pick out who in the dark, and while I was in there, I heard one sneeze. Sooooooo I think they are all sick. I can not fit more in the little hutch I have the sick ones in, so should I just put them all back and treat all? I don't know, this is a mess.
So, I decided that at least 6 of my 9 birds are sick, so I went ahead and put the three that I have moved out back. Not sure if it was the right decision.

One of the chickens that were still in the coop, since this morning is raspy and now has a shut eye. It's the first symptom other than that raspy-ness and the funny color poop. I've looked up pictures of swollen eyes with Corzya and it doesn't look that bad (yet?) but I don't know. I can try to get a picture if that helps. Still doing the Duramycin, and all the fun probiotics and vitamins. Just not sure it's helping...

I am a bit frustrated with chickens at this point...
I would be very interested in the outcome for you. I am actually having the same trouble in my 2 year old flock. I am using Sulmet(the only antibiotic I could find). Almost all of my birds are sick, and two have died. Please keep posted how yours are doing.
I think posting updates make me feel a little better about everything I do, even if no one responds! haha.

I hold my breath every morning and every day after work that all the chickens are still alive. They sounded rough again this morning, yesterday I thought their breathing was starting to smooth out. I am a little worried they aren't drinking enough of the Duramycin. I truly have no idea how to dose it, especially when I want all 9 of my chickens to get a dose. I feel like they need a lot, but I don't want to give too much. I guess that is why people like to inject the stuff. Oh well.
I bought a new hen about a month ago. Separated them for about 2 weeks and all was fine. Not but 2 days later the new hen started sneezing. Thought maybe she was reacting to the hay or the feed. Within 2 weeks my whole flock is sneezing and coughing. I went and got a antibiotic from the feed store to put in their water. They have been on it for 2 days now ans i have not heard near as much sneezing but they are still coughing a bit. I am going to try the egg yoke and see if they will eat it. My question is will they start to eat their own eggs if i let them eat the egg yoke. I have heard that once they taste the egg yoke, they will break all the eggs and eat them. Any thoughts on this?

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