What's your favorite/friendliest breed


My silkie roo is ridiculously snuggly but only when I bring him behind something so the hens don't see haha
otherwise he'll just get up if I set him in my lap
I have a favorite cockerel who STEP DANCES for me and tries to mate with me like I'm a hen. He is I think plymouth rock? Not very barred more cuckoo. Kind of barnyard mix. His name is Sir Cuckoo.
Don't roos only mate with the species they imprinted on? Maybe yours imprinted on a human so that's the species he identifies with
I'm probably way to new to really have an opinion, my first chicks are only 6 weeks old.
So far, my friendliest are my Buff Orpington, Dark Brahma and my Barred Rock, in that order. My splash marans doesn't jump on me like the other 3 do, but is always at my feet and more than tolerates me handling her. Might not be a lap chicken, but she's there.
By far my most friendly (visits you when you visit them) birds have been my bantam Easter Eggers and my Belgian Bearded d’Anvers. They are all busy, independent, and fairly confident little birds that like to sit on me and even let me hug them.

Of my large fowl breeds, my Ameraucanas, my Salmon Faverolle, my Russian Orloff, one of my Orpingtons, and one of my Wyandottes will come sit with me—but no touchies! If I pet them they leave :-( But if I allow them to just sit with me they stay the whole time. My GLW has gotten more friendly with age, even though she was my most skittish chick. She was terrified of me until after she hit POL and then all the sudden I was okay. Haha. Yesterday she came all the way up into my lap AND let me pet her. Was a big day!

The only breed I’ve owned that I just think is flighty and for my own reasons wouldn’t get again—is my Croad Langshan. Very very small sample size, but still :) She’s a very mellow girl with her flock, predictable layer, and a rooster favorite—but humans are terrifying and if you look at her too long she runs away. 😜 I’m very hands on, I visit them all the time, and they were all raised the same…but she’s always been skittish despite my best efforts.

I also have two distinct groups of bantam Cochins and the BBS line has a distinct streak of attitude that the other line doesn’t have. My bobtail Cochins are seriously the sweetest ever, especially the roosters. Soooo loving and calm and almost prefers people than other chickens. I have bobtails from 4 different breeders and they’re all the same! 😍


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