What's your favorite/friendliest breed

I love my buffs! Both the buff and my lavender. The Lavs are the friendliest and I have three who fight over who gets to sit in my lap. 🩷


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My favorite ever hens were Easter Eggers from Townline Hatchery about 10 years ago. My new EE from Townline 2023 aren't nearly as friendly.

Overall, though, my Buff Orpingtons and my Australorps are the most friendly. Submissive, not so much. Friendly definitely.
I'm ready for some rebuttal on this but, I have a pair of white leghorns and they're the sweetest things. One of them even 'purrs' when you pick her up. I have heard that leghorns can be vicious but, I've had good experience with them. (Here's Pamela and Jaketta)View attachment 3508893View attachment 3508895
I love my leghorns, too! They're my most inquisitive gals and so fun to watch.
What I have:

Buff Orpingtons-- would get again super friendly and curious but easily bullied. Sweet rooster and super easy broody. If I ask my broody that I need to count her chicks, she will stand up so I can see the babies

Cream legbar--super sassy and confident girl. Knows her name and will answer. Easy to handle but not a cuddler. She's a terrible layer, but I keep her for her personality.

Black sexlinks--curious and confident. Top of my flock but not bullies. Excellent layers. Oddly one went broody and was a hilarious momma. Since she was top of the flock, nobody bothered her chicks. And oh boy the were free range babies! I had ask her where her babies were a couple of times and off she would run in a panic.

Red sexlinks (Isa Brown)-- excellent layers and super sweet and independent. But they are kind of like fireworks. Outstanding in the beginning but quickly fade. Had a few die from laying related health issues. But the sweetest girls.

Barnevelders--these girls have had loads of personality. Easy to handle but tend to be independent. Like their dark brown eggs.

Welsummers--same as the barnies but with speckled eggs.

White Leghorns--they were super flightly. Almost wild. When all three ended up with bumblefoot they became super sweet. They need to be handled.

Wyandottes-- solid. Okay layer. Middle of the flock. Pretty.

Ones I wouldn't get again:

Delawares-- nothing wrong...solid layers but kinda mean flock girls. I don't want meanies.

Speckled Sussex-- I have had 2 sets of 3 of these... They are sweet. Independent and excellent free rangers. But they all have had chronic runny poops and illness. I don't think there will be a third time.

Barred Plymouth Rock--everyone says the are great for first timers and quiet. LIES!!! These are 4 screaming neurotic banshees. Excellent layers with heavy bloom eggs that other look pink.

On the fence:
Wyandottes-- solid. Okay layer but smallish eggs. Middle of the flock. Pretty. If their eggs were an interesting color or something I would have on keeper list. One has been an excellent momma and accepted 7 4 week chicks along with her day old ones. At night they are one big cuddle puddle.
I've had a lot of different chicken breeds, but I think my favorite is probably my speckled sussex, I have five of them, four hens and one rooster, I got them in spring of 2021, and the hens are good layers, they are all friendly, and the rooster is super sweet as well and good with the hens.

Here is a picture of my favorite hen, Sprinkles IMG_20220429_124324.jpg

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