What's your favorite/friendliest breed

They are WAY friendlier than the Wyandottes I currently have in a brooder in the house, who were meant to be socialized as pets, and who get a lot more attention. That was very unexpected! So I'm thinking of keeping the buffs now and eating the Wyandottes instead...
My wyandottes are little stinkers this year too. I don't remember the ones from the past as being aggressive at all, but 2 of my new pullets are even bitey. Same hatchery (townline), but a decade apart.
I've mostly only had one or two of each breed I've had, but so far my friendliest have been Jersey Giant, Barred Rock, and Salmon Faverolles. I also had a Golden Comet who was super friendly to me, but idk if I can call her friendly because she was a complete bully to the flock lol.

I have a batch of babies in the brooder right now who are 3.5 weeks old and so far the Easter Egger and Buckeye are extremely friendly. Surprisingly, the Buff Orpington chick is the least friendly of the group. She isn't mean but just is not very social and doesn't want much to do with me lol. She's not afraid of me though and will still hop up on my lap sometimes.

Photos of the babies on a field trip, plus lap chicken Ursula.
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Omg I love Ursula! Is she a black australorp or jersey giant?
I've had a lot of different chicken breeds, but I think my favorite is probably my speckled sussex, I have five of them, four hens and one rooster, I got them in spring of 2021, and the hens are good layers, they are all friendly, and the rooster is super sweet as well and good with the hens.

Here is a picture of my favorite hen, Sprinkles View attachment 3508988
I'm picking up a speckled Sussex today!! I can't wait!!!


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Omg I love Ursula! Is she a black australorp or jersey giant?
It's funny you should ask! When she was younger, I thought she was an Australorp, but then I learned on here that if they have yellow foot bottoms, they are actually Jersey Giants. I noticed she did, so I have been calling her a BJG. Fast forward to just this week and I'm wondering, why isn't she a giant? She's really not all that huge and she's 8 months. I keep trying to look at the bottom of her feet as she walks and now they aren't looking so yellow, but I'm not sure if it's because they are muddy or not! Now I'm second guessing what breed she is.

So short answer: I thought she was BJG but now idk 😂
Either way, she's got giant personality and I love her. :)
Omg my local farm is offering salmon favorelles and these adorable pictures are making me consider expanding the run.... lol!
Do it!!! My SF is honestly so hilarious. I wish I had more of them. 100% lowest on the pecking order so it might not be good if you have bullies, but otherwise, I think they are a nice addition. :)

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