What's your favorite/friendliest breed

I have had many friendly chickens over the years but my four 7 month old Shetland Hen (2 roosters and two hens) are by far the friendliest ones that I have ever had. They are quite chatty as well, especially the hens who are sweethearts.
I also love my Easter egger whom i wasn't even supposed to have. Went to get some and she was the last of her breed left so I tool her and I cannot imagine life without her. My leghorn is also very sweet but I understand that's unusual. My Barred Rocks are friendly too. My orpington is skittish but sweet once she calms down and same with red sex links. My rhode island red are complete bullies though. I only have one of those that will let me hold her. I am considering rehoming all if them but one because they are such bullies
aw! I love that you got the Easter egger. Any pictures of her? I love how they all look soo different. I've read that RIR can be mean. I have one bully hen, she's one of my Australorps and she is mean and picks on the nicest one a million times a day. Chasing her away from food and pecking her.
Aww Good luck with the wyandottes! I wanted some for a while but couldn't find any. I hope you're able to get the sussex some day!!
Thanks! I'll report on the Wyandottes' friendliness, if you want more data points :) They are 2.5 weeks old and so far quite disappointing... I'm hand-raising them in the house and handling them extensively every day, and so far they are the most skittish and fearful hand-raised chicks I've had (I've done the same with several varieties of Orpington, plus barnyard mixes, and all of them ended up a lot friendlier than these...)
aw! I love that you got the Easter egger. Any pictures of her? I love how they all look soo different. I've read that RIR can be mean. I have one bully hen, she's one of my Australorps and she is mean and picks on the nicest one a million times a day. Chasing her away from food and pecking her.
Yes of course lol a million pics! She may actually have some form of dwarfism. She has the shortest legs ever and do not seem to be growing at all lol. She's 8 weeks. Her name is buckbeak. Shes also super jealous and inserts herself if she sees me holding anyone else and she expects long snuggles every night before bed. 20230508_183835.jpg 20230419_202337.jpg IMG_20230324_193126.jpg Snapchat-613955703.jpg
I have had many friendly chickens over the years but my four 7 month old Shetland Hen (2 roosters and two hens) are by far the friendliest ones that I have ever had. They are quite chatty as well, especially the hens who are sweethearts.
Wow I've never heard of that breed I had to look it up.
Reminds me of a Polish that lays blue eggs? I love the chattiness. I lovvveee chicken sounds
Yes of course lol a million pics! She may actually have some form of dwarfism. She has the shortest legs ever and do not seem to be growing at all lol. She's 8 weeks. Her name is buckbeak. Shes also super jealous and inserts herself if she sees me holding anyone else and she expects long snuggles every night before bed. View attachment 3498754View attachment 3498751View attachment 3498752View attachment 3498753
omg her colors!!! She's beautiful!! I love grey birds! I finally got my first grey bird. She's a sapphire olive egger.


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People keep chickens for a variety of reasons, which impacts their favorites based on their preferences. I'd like to know your favorite and friendliest breed. I know a big part is just their overall individual personality. I've read about the buff Orpington war lol and I love mine and even though she's super sweet, she isn't necessarily the friendliest. I have 3 black Australorps, 1 olive egger, 1 buff Orpington. Two of my black australorps are lap chickens.
I recently added 2 polish, 1 sapphire olive egger, and 1 Easter egger. They're about 5 weeks old.
My Easter egger is SO friendly!! She jumps up on my arm almost on command and loooovvvveees to be held. There doesn't seem to be much information on sapphire olive eggers?
Anyways. If I were to get more chickens........ which I'm trying so hard not to but I just love how sweet this Easter egger is, what would be your suggestion for friendly birds!
I don't care about their laying quantity because I don't eat eggs, they're strictly pets :) thanks!!
I have 3 black australorps, 1 Plymouth Rock, 2 isa browns, and one buff Orpington roo. I love them all but the isa browns are my favorite they are so gentle and friendly and great layers

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