What's your outside temp today?

10 right now, and its only supposed to get up to 32 today. Its so cold we actually brought our outside cats in and they are all hanging around the fire right now.
According to the computer (no outdoor thermometer still... ) it's 10*. Cold... Not as cold as last night though. And personally I think it's high time there was some snow and cold weather.. now that it's the 4th of January.
25 here. I threw the chickens out of the coop.Tossed them some scratch.They can't spend the entire winter stinking up their coop all day. 25 isn't even that cold.
Went down to 12 degrees last night, now the thermometer says 30.
We also have 3 inches of snow.
My pullets are scared to go out in it though.
They just stand at the pop door and discuss among themselves who is brave enough to be the first to venture out.
So far no takers.
17° right now, but it was 7° this morning.

My BF is out in the elements shoeing horses at the moment and is freezing his butt off.

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