Wheat Allergy Question


Feb 19, 2020
Hi, I'm Angela. I've been raising a small hobby house of chickens. I also have a wheat allergy/gluten intolerance so eggs for breakfast is an issue..

I've always fed pellet/crumble and cracked corn. I have never seen anything that appeals, to me, when looking for feeding info online.
What are some easy, low-cost substitutions I can use in place of crumble/pellets? I can throw corn but the crumble makes me react when dust is flying. Any advice is appreciated
There are feeds available that have a different ingredient profile, and one of them might be right for you. Chickens generate a lot of dust! You may have issues with the dust out there whether it has wheat in the feed or not. In fact, wearing a very good face mask is a good idea anyway.
Home made diets are difficult and much more expensive! Look for wheat free prepared feeds instead.
@Kiki has a huge feed chart on this site; look there!

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