Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

I decided to go with Bev's Wheatens. All the beautiful pictures on here helped my decision! Thanks

Make sure you post pictures of your flock when you get them!

Do you know how the egg color is?
I will be honest... I don't know the egg color. But since they are Bev Davis own flock, I know the eggs will be a very good color. That seems to be one area she DEFINETLY concentrates on. I do understand they will be lighter than BCM, but I trust what I'm getting from her to come from the darkest eggs a Wheaten can lay. SO excited!:D
i cant tell u anything about black coppers . but iv had wheaten for5 years . vc is
so right about them taking forever to hit pol. i have only 10 hens and ten roos but have to cull 8 roosters soon. the davis line in my experance are the largest and have big combs. . the trouble iv seen with rosters is cotton tail and a few whit feathers in the wings. i have a pen of 4 roosters and one out of the 4 i raised from last year has a decant taiil angle and no white in wings... the hens tend to stay perty consistant with color but the combs on all wheaten hens need work . no one seems to culll for that. i have two 7 generation hens hatched 11 months back laying the darkest eggs iv ever got. .. i just moved them in a breeding pen
with my best 7 gen roo. i cant wait to start hatching in a few weeks. i have noticed after a 3 or so years the roos get brownish looking theighs but i think its a old age or lack of viteman or something. .lol. if i could only figure how to post pictures hete with my cell phone i would.. no one seems to post pictures here much but i would if i could.... i stayed clear of black copper because of the work needed to do with them. and i dont have the skills in genetics. so if u dp pic wheaten go with davis line. i have boath davis and presly ( back woods poultry). love them
Hey guys... Wheaten question. I know what a wheaten looks like with the black tail. But Bev said the line I'm getting can have splash Wheaten and Blue tail Wheaten as well. Is a Blue tail Wheaten the same as a blue Wheaten? Any of you seen a splash wheaten?
Hey guys... Wheaten question. I know what a wheaten looks like with the black tail. But Bev said the line I'm getting can have splash Wheaten and Blue tail Wheaten as well. Is a Blue tail Wheaten the same as a blue Wheaten? Any of you seen a splash wheaten?

I'm guessing Bev means Blue Wheaten when she says "Blue tail Wheaten".

Splash Wheaten is also very pretty, imagine instead of a Black or Blue body a off white/pale gray body, sometimes with darker blue hues in the tail feathers. I'll see if I can find a image.

ETA: This is a Splash Wheaten Ameraucana, owned by peachick, a Splash Wheaten Marans would be colored similarly.

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I think the blue jean can only affect black so if there's no black It can't turn blue
so if the blue jean is interduced wil wheaton you can still have the cinnamon wing triangle but the parts of the wheaton rooster that are black can be turned blue but I could be way off vc would know
Hi all, has anyone thought about how you will need to mate up the Wheaten Marans to have a chance of gettig SOP wheaten young fowl. What about the white wing, Tail and the tail Coverts. If anyone would like to discuss this we can now.
i could be wrong and probubly am but thats a fault not a dq. iv got one ro out of 6 i bred last year with no white in wings
they are hard to figure because as many mateings as iv dun . its not consistant. i beleave the same hen and roo will prduuce eather so its luck not breeding techniques. now that i have a cleam wing roo it may increse the odds of offspring haveing no white in wing but thats a guess. i have no clue
please don't get me wrong I don't mean to sound like a fault is a good thing. but the sop is in on attainable goal something to strive 4 all the roosters I've seen they alllll have cotton fluff. I hope I don't offend anybody by saying that in there a im new at all of this and probubly wrong so if anybody has pictures I can post of a rooster without a cotton fluffy tail at tail base please post a picture I bred 1 rooster last year had very little if any but he proved to be recessive yellow leg so i culled

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