Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

Randy, just thought that some would be interested in how to breed the Wheaten to SOP standard. The white in wing and tail is a DQ. white in the tail coverts is a fault white fluff.

Carry on with the regularly scheduled program.
Randy, just thought that some would be interested in how to breed the Wheaten to SOP standard. The white in wing and tail is a DQ. white in the tail coverts is a fault white fluff.

Carry on with the regularly scheduled program.

thank you so much for the information I thought it was a fault and not a disqualification I think we would all like to breed to the standard of perfection
I am going to try to I'm going on my 6 year withbreed out the white in wing feathers but ive never had white in tail except the cotton fluff. I have to roosters that I have my eyes on that are looking very good this year and I have about 6 roosters I have to cull. do u have any thoughts on how to breed ? thanks for any input you may have
thank you so much I have so many pictures I'd like to post but I can't get my home computer online too much I will try to post a bunch of pictures next weekend once i figure it out. someone told me on here a long time ago the white in wings might be hormonal I don't wanna throw vc under the bus maybe he told me that. I don't know how I'm going to try to breed that white feathers out and still maintain a closed flock any of you experienced marans breeders hav e any suggestions let me know I would like to have other people chime in . and get a conversation going here
not many talkers here. ..lol i tried.
Randy, Have you noticed that the Standard that was recently approved is different than what everyone thought was going to be approved. To get SOP young the matings will have to be made up different. If you would like to discuss this willing to help. Don

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