Wheezing Brahma


Jun 23, 2021
New Hampshire
I have a Brahma making a horrid wheezing sound. She didn’t when she was roosting, but when she starts walking, she starts up again.
Can’t seem to post the video of her here?
Tried the bread with oil but she hates it and wipes her beak off … she won’t eat any..
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Could ahe have stridor, a sound they make when they get something in the airway, such as a small piece of feed, a mucus plug, or swollen airway from a respiratory disease? Are you hearing any sneezing as well? Most rimes stridor will clear up overnight or within a few hours, unless it is caused by a respiratory disease. The silkie in this post has stridor:

What should I do?
Could ahe have stridor, a sound they make when they get something in the airway, such as a small piece of feed, a mucus plug, or swollen airway from a respiratory disease? Are you hearing any sneezing as well? Most rimes stridor will clear up overnight or within a few hours, unless it is caused by a respiratory disease. The silkie in this post has stridor:

thats exactly what she sounds like! She sneezes every now and then. I put her in the brooder box (4x7 area in our basement) for observation. She seems to be up and walking around with no wheezing noise!
I felt bad for her, her coop mate was eaten after thanksgiving by a dog, so I thought she was trying to kill herself 😅😂
She will be back with the flock this afternoon if she is all better :) didn’t want to take the risk if it was a disease spreading.

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