Wheezing, coughing chick


6 Years
Oct 11, 2014
I have 26 1.5 week old chicks and all of a sudden one of the started wheezing and coughing tonight. He breaths are heavy and she keeos shakinh her head. I immediately separated her, got her clean water and yogurt. She has been eating all along but isn't liking being alone currently.

I got them from a reputable hatchery and have had them inside the whole time. I don't have any other birds and they haven't had contact with any outside materials or birds so I am a little confused how she caught whatever is ailing her. The only change that has occurred in the last week was the addition of a cover for my brooder made from boards that had been outside on Monday.

To make matters worse I have another chick with a swollen crop...
Sorry that you are dealing with this, and it is odd that the chick is showing symptoms of a respiratory problem without any exposure. Make sure that your brooder has good ventilation, and that your bedding is not too dusty or fine. I've had pine shavings before that were like saw dust, and it's better to have the more course kind. Try to keep things dry and avoid any spilled water in the brooder to prevent mold which can happen in no time with spilled feed plus water. Mold can lead to aspergillosis or brooder pneumonia in chicks. Putting vitamins in their water may sound silly, but vitamin A deficiency can sometimes causes symptoms that resemble a respiratory disease in chicks. Edited for my bad spelling.
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I have been using course pine shavings for bedding and their waterer is pretty good about keep the water in (but not pine shavings out, as we all know).

This morning the chick is breathing better than before and I have seen her eat. She is still wheezy and and shaking her head. I am going to swap out the bedding for the rest of the chicks today to help prevent other problems.

I will look into adding vitamins to their water.

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