Wheezing sound

Try giving her some Corid. Most likely she has developed coccidiosis. You will need to act quickly though. Give her the meds for the next 5 days. Keep her warm.
Coccidiosis causes respiratory issues. Unless this bird has been exposed to outside birds that are ill, most likely this is the problem.
My baby silkie is 3 weeks old today and she just started making this sound like a wheezing and she’s breathing hard
Can you post some photos of her poop?

She sure is in respiratory distress. Look inside her beak to see if there is any obstruction or food stuck.
Have you changed anything, feed, heat, ventilation, light bulb, cleaner - anything changed? How long have you had her?

Gently feel of her, does anything feel like an air bubble around her belly, back, vent or sides?

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