When can baby chicks go outside? Chick names?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2014
I have 8 chicks that are 4 days old and I want to take them outside.
So when can they go outside? They would be supervised constantly and they would be brought back inside after a little while. They wouldn't be outside for more then a half hour.
Also I need help finding names for them.
Here are some pics.

My Black sex link.

My Silkie.

My Black Australorp.

My brown sex link.

The reddish/yellow ones are extra males and I can only tell apart a few of them.
Hi there? What are the temps there? Chicks that age really shouldn't go out unless it's in the 60s or 90s as their down doesn't keep them very warm. So either wait for it to get warmer or wait till they are more feathered.

As for names how about Blackie, Midnight, Coco or Oreo for the black chick? Stripes, Sandy, Tiny or Peanut for the Silkie. Marry, Princess or Cookie for the Australorp. Red, Comet, Rose(ie), Buttons, Daisy or Pumpkin for the Sexl-Link. That's all that's at the top of my head right now!
Since this was my first time raising chics since I was a kid I just went by temperature to know they were safe.

I looked up what the rule of thumb was for chics and temperature. Most started the first week at 90 then take 5 degrees away every week. For limited exposure to lower temps I wouldn't think short periods would hurt them but It's a guess based on when I was a kid and the hen would walk away to eat and drink. It wasn't 90 after she left and she may be gone for 5-10 minutes.

As for names I'll give you an idea with some of mine. I have one named snooki and another named Jlo. LOL
Ok well wait until it reaches 60s and higher.
Ok thanks so much!
I hope the temp goes up soon because the chicks are racing around their brooder like nuts!
They need some exercise!
Wow! I am also a first timer with baby chicks but I have stayed along the guidelines for caring for them since I got them. They haven't been outside at all and I live in Florida where it has been above 60 for quite a while now. My chicks are still in their brooder with their heat lamp. I kept them at 95, then 90, then 85-87 and they are still at that temp. They gather under the lamp sometimes and other times, they are running all over their brooder, eating and drinking. At night, after the kids go to bed, we take them out and put them in a 'chick corral' and let them 'free range' in the kitchen while we clean their brooder. I would be afraid to take them outside as they are not fully feathered as yet at 3 weeks old. Maybe I just err on the side of caution. :)

As for names, I had a difficult time thinking up names for mine and we still have one un-named as yet. She seriously looks like a baby hawk and we laugh that maybe sometime went seriously wrong at the hatchery. LOL We think she is a Ameracauna (probably spelled that wrong) or the one that was sent as an Easter Egger. She is so much larger than the other chicks. The name Hawkeye is already taken so she is called Caw Caw so far, as a joke.

We named our chickens, Bavis, Ivy, Roxie, Coconut, Hawkeye, Che Che, Saphira, and of course.....Caw Caw!
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Wow! I am also a first timer with baby chicks but I have stayed along the guidelines for caring for them since I got them. They haven't been outside at all and I live in Florida where it has been above 60 for quite a while now. My chicks are still in their brooder with their heat lamp. I kept them at 95, then 90, then 85-87 and they are still at that temp. They gather under the lamp sometimes and other times, they are running all over their brooder, eating and drinking. At night, after the kids go to bed, we take them out and put them in a 'chick corral' and let them 'free range' in the kitchen while we clean their brooder. I would be afraid to take them outside as they are not fully feathered as yet at 3 weeks old. Maybe I just err on the side of caution. :)

As for names, I had a difficult time thinking up names for mine and we still have one un-named as yet. She seriously looks like a baby hawk and we laugh that maybe sometime went seriously wrong at the hatchery. LOL We think she is a Ameracauna (probably spelled that wrong) or the one that was sent as an Easter Egger. She is so much larger than the other chicks. The name Hawkeye is already taken so she is called Caw Caw so far, as a joke.

We named our chickens, Bavis, Ivy, Roxie, Coconut, Hawkeye, Che Che, Saphira, and of course.....Caw Caw!
Hi Bean789! I took them outside and they absolutely LOVED it!
It was awesome to watch them! You should try it!

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