When can baby chicks go outside? Chick names?

I absolutely LOVE how you named your chickens! In my next batch I'm doing what you did!!

Thanks. I had to do something different. I usually just name animals on their appearances, which is how I ended up with 3 dogs called Tiger, Ewok and Ninja.
Have fun naming your chicks!
I'm also new to the chicken world. I just got mine yesterday I've had them outside today for an hour in a little fenced In run I made but mine are 1-3 weeks old they were outside when I got them. its in the 70's here and 40 at night. so there in with a heat lamp at night. so wound wait until there are little older. as for names I have no idea I have not named mine yet got know idea foe names

these are my 6 chicks. I got 2 sillkies 2 barred rock and 2 white leghorns
Perhaps I will. Need to assemble the portable run and clean a space in the backyard. Don't want them running all over the place and me trying to catch them later. Now, that would be fun to watch!

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