When can I give my chicks treats and what are the best ones?


10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
Tuscola County, Michigan
We have several sussex and bantam orpingtons chicks that are about 3 weeks old. At what age can we give them treats (they are only on chick feed right now) and what would be good treats to give them? Also--do they need grit even though they are on the chick feed and still in their indoor pen and not outside yet? Thanks
You should make sure they have grit before you give them treats. I put some on the floor and right into their feed. I gave mine some bread ( not much), dry oatmeal, chopped up lettuce, chopped up celery, rice crispies, crushed cheerios. If you don't give them grit, they will get impacted crop and die. I let them eat treats right out of my hand and now they come running all the time. Good Luck,, Woody
I thought I saw on the chick starter feed that grit was included in the mix. Does anyone have a bag of starter feed in front of them and can correct me if I am wrong?
But if they were outside being raised by their Mom, wouldn't they already be scratching, and eating dirt/sand/etc.? I wouldn't think grit or a pan of sand would hurt them at any age.
Mine wont touch the stuff, they wont eat chopped up egg either....go figure:idunno

update- Tried the egg again the next day and they went psycho over it. Still don't like yogurt though.
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