When do Wyandottes generally start laying?

I also am waiting on my GLWs. My Easter Eggers started laying like champs at 23 weeks. My GLWs are now 26 weeks and still waiting. The lady I got my pullets from said it would probably be the other way around. Patience is a virtue right?
My GLW and SLW and Welsummers were born May 4th and are on layer pellets now for over a month and I have yet to see an egg and its 11/11/15. They are with older ladies and have plenty of nest boxes. I have never had these breeds before and were wondering when they may start laying. We also have a light on in the hen house.I have 38 hens and 2 roosters and am getting about 4 to 5 eggs a day from a mixed flock. I need to sell eggs to pay for food. These hens can really eat! I'm checking to see if these breeds start laying later then others like my barred rocks and marans.
Mine did not start laying till 23 weeks. I would not have them on layer feed because they are not getting the right nutrients they need now. When they start laying they will need layer feed. Do you have a mixed flock and have some hens that are laying and some that are not? If you do you can mix layer feed and finisher feed together. This way your layers are getting the food they need and the ones that are not laying yet get the right nutrients.

I am also waiting on 2 SLW to begin laying. They were hatched on 5/12/2015 and as of today 11/16/2015 they are over 6 months old and still no eggs. They are in with my 4 other hens that are all laying and they are definitely bigger than others. I will be interested to see when yours start to lay Evergreenliving, since they are so close in age.
I have 2 GLW and I got them April 24th and they started laying the middle of September. I will say, I didn't think they were laying since they weren't using the nest box. It turned out I had six eggs in a low place in my bedding that I had not seen. Have you looked around? They may be laying, but you haven't found their spot.
I have a couple of RIR's that prefer to lay in the hay bales in the barn, so when ever they free range I have to look around. But on days I have to go in to the office, I leave them locked in the coop/run and there is only 4 eggs, not 6 or even 5. Still waiting...
Mine 11 month NO egg yet ,i have brahma and ameraucane they lay when 6 month
My SLW, Cher. 24 weeks, hoping for eggs soon!

@24 wks? The daylight right now is still less than 12 hours, so they might not begin laying till closer to spring. My SLWs laid eggs @20 wks but that was before the shortened day lights and continued laying thru out the winter.

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