When shipping goes wrong...a sad story...happy ending!!

YAY , i am so glad you tracked down those chickies and most are doing well !

It is hard on shipped day olds with this crazy February we are having , very low temps this year .

Waiting for pics !
So, LittleChickies started out at big hatchery on Day 1.

They get into a snuggly box with pals and start on their way. In Springfield, something goes wrong...all of their little friends in other boxes who were going to the same town went one way, LittleChickies went another. They were in a big, cold truck. It was dark and slow.


Day 2 comes and LittleChickies sat around a huge building waiting for someone to take them to their new home. No one came.


Day 3 comes and LittleChickies were still sitting in the big, loud building. They were very cold, hungry and thirsty. Some of them went to sleep forever.

Later, someone came nearby and said, "yep, there's chicks!" to someone who was talking on the phone. Another guy threw a bag over them to keep them warm.

The woman on the other end of the phone was excited- her friends were found!!


She had to go through big hoops to get to the chicks.

Hours later, someone picked their box up and carried them to a new place, where they were taken out into the very cold outside...and then a very warm inside. Heat packs and green goo were put in with them to make them comfy for another long drive.


They were going home! Yay.

Hooray for babies making it past these odds. I have had chicks arrive in stellar condition even in the cold. It depends on how they are packed, whether they are robust to begin with, and whether they are treated with respect along the way. Most of their time is not outside at all, but inside at room temps- which is still stressful for them.

I wouldn't hesitate to order from Estes in the winter again, so it's not changed my attitude on that.

I'm going to be a bit more careful to make sure that if not there exactly when I expect, make lots of calls then, not the next day!!
I am glad your story ended happily, and I enjoyed the pics.

The only shipment I ever had a problem with was in June, and I like to get chicks early in the year to give them a good start.

You run as much chance with overheating in the warm months as you do with chilling in the cool months, IMO.

That said, everyone has a perfect right to get chicks when they find it most appropriate!

I think the most important thing is to call around all the hubs in between until you find them the minute you notice there's something askew!!

I am going to collect the numbers of the hubs and keep them all!
I'm so glad this story had a happy ending! It breaks my heart hearing of the babies getting lost in the mail and perishing.

May you live long, happy lives, fluffy butts!
SO glad they were found and ok!!! I feel the same way about the heat here in FL...were ordering March 8th b/c it gets SO hot here I can't imagine them frying in the heat! Can't exactly put cold packs in there? lol...

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