When to expect eggs?

My husband says we have the non-egg laying variety of chickens. My RIR and BO are 25 weeks, 2 EE are 23 and 2 SLW are 22 weeks. NO EGG YET--FROM ANYONE.
I've been getting one or two a day for a week from one Easter Egger. Started last week at 18wks. Cute, small and perfect blue-green. The others are not laying yet. But they started pecking the back of the laying hen. The feathers are gone in the center, and it looks raw. Just today. was fine this am. I've separated them... Any suggestions? On here to find some advice.. eeek.
(others are one RIR, two BO, 2 WL, one more EE)
I've seen a few more eggs since my last post, but after removing this critter this morning, I expect things will improve...

(trying to post photo of 5 foot rat snake)

This has been adopted by a friend with a barn and no chickens, already named before it got there!

(oh well! file too big! Trust me, it was a beaut!)
We are up to 5 eggs daily, although we have 9 hens. We have been getting 3-4 eggs a day for a couple of weeks. The girls are all within a few days of the same age, so that seems strange to me. We thought that it was the same hens laying every day, but maybe it has been different hens taking turns? They are around 18-19 weeks old, now. They are medium to X-large size eggs. No more "yolks only" or soft-shelled eggs.
My 3 hens are 20 weeks today, and we haven't seen any eggs yet. (See my signature for their breeds) I am wondering if my SLW will lay first because her wattles and comb are pretty large, and are bright red. My Ameraucana has a pretty comb, but it's not quite as large as my SLW's.

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