We've got two white leghorns that started laying around 18-20 weeks. They're coming up on 26 weeks, and the leghorns haven't laid any eggs for five days. Before the two of them made one or two a day. I can't find any hidden eggs (there aren't really places for them to hide them in the coop).
Sometime last week I found evidence of an eaten egg, there was a wet sticky spot in one of the nest boxes, but no egg or shell. I just assumed it was one of the other girls who had laid a shell-less started egg and didn't think much of it. Wouldn't there be more evidence if the leghorns were laying every day and eating their eggs? We've been getting a Welsummer egg once a day, and that egg is untouched. Wouldn't an egg eater eat all the eggs?
I'm a confused chicken newbie. There aren't very many feathers around, so I wouldn't think they are molting. If they're molting will they stop cold like that? The two leghorns don't seem sick at all.
Sometime last week I found evidence of an eaten egg, there was a wet sticky spot in one of the nest boxes, but no egg or shell. I just assumed it was one of the other girls who had laid a shell-less started egg and didn't think much of it. Wouldn't there be more evidence if the leghorns were laying every day and eating their eggs? We've been getting a Welsummer egg once a day, and that egg is untouched. Wouldn't an egg eater eat all the eggs?
I'm a confused chicken newbie. There aren't very many feathers around, so I wouldn't think they are molting. If they're molting will they stop cold like that? The two leghorns don't seem sick at all.