When will she give birth

If you keep the dog confined to a safe place to have her puppies, there's a chance the owners may complain that you "stole" their dog.

But if you set up a safe place where she can freely come and go, and she chooses to have puppies there, then it's really their fault for not keeping the dog home.

And depending on how observant the neighbors are--if they say she's not pregnant, and if she has the puppies on your property, they may never even know about the puppies unless you tell them. (Whether to tell the neighbors would be a decision for yourself and your parents.)

I wouldn't tell them if they don't notice. Those sort of people don't need to have responsibility over any animal
How do you know that the owners are mean to her? Just thought I'de ask, if you are assuming that, then she might just be a roamer....
The dog was impregnated by her father/brothers, the neighbors are sketchy, mean, and came over and cussed at a minor for trying to help this poor dog....
We don’t have all the info, but this dog is clearly in a bad situation at her legal home.
This is a tricky situation. I would set up an nesting area in your barn, as others have suggested. I would leave an area open, so that she can technically leave whenever she wants, but keep her confined enough that she will stay with you.
Once the puppies are born, don't tell the neighbors. If they don't believe she is pregnant, then they won't look for any babies.
I would keep them (and their mom) with you until the puppies are old enough, and then find new homes for the puppies.
This is a tricky situation. I would set up an nesting area in your barn, as others have suggested. I would leave an area open, so that she can technically leave whenever she wants, but keep her confined enough that she will stay with you.
Once the puppies are born, don't tell the neighbors. If they don't believe she is pregnant, then they won't look for any babies.
I would keep them (and their mom) with you until the puppies are old enough, and then find new homes for the puppies.
I agree with this.
The dog was impregnated by her father/brothers, the neighbors are sketchy, mean, and came over and cussed at a minor for trying to help this poor dog....
We don’t have all the info, but this dog is clearly in a bad situation at her legal home.
Yes, this make perfect sense, I skimmed a lot of this so missed some things, poor pup! I hop you can help her!

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