When will the predators learn to stay away?


9 Years
Jun 22, 2010
Franklin, Ohio
Well so far I have shot 4 coons 3 possums and 2 coyotes in the last month. When will they learn my yard is not a safe place?
This one was a very healthy young male about 48 lbs. Not so healthy any more.


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:barnieARRRRGGGGG Never touch the mouth withyour hands!!!!!!! RABIES !!!!! We have to vacinate our horses yearly because we have our hands in their spit putting on the bridle. That is how rabies is transmitted, spit. Even if you dog or cat has a current rabies shot and they get in a fight with a wild animal you should get it boosted just to be safe. It takes time before symptyms show. Keep yourself safe as well as your live stock. BTW good shot.
Hit it at 100 yards on the run. Using a .308 custom built rifle. Rabies will only hurt if it gets in your blood stream. Plus I washed my hands immediately after the pics.
Yup, they'll never learn to stay away. Buy more ammo.

We trapped/dispatched approximately 60 raccoons in the last year and 80 possums, and they still keep coming. We also caught an armadillo (released him), the neighbor's cat twice (released him), and our own chickens twice, until we learned not to have the traps set during the day.
People would be surprised at how many that HAVE rabies. If you work at a vet you have to be vaccinated for rabies. That is why I quit, after 10 years, it really hurts me, not everyone is sensitive, but boy I am. OOOWWWWWcccchhhh.
In NC they don't even do an necropsy on a dead wild animal unless it has come in contact with human or pet. If it is a bat and dead they assume rabid.
The short answer: Only 4 coons, 3 possums and 2 coyotes won't be back--the rest will.

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