When you trap a predator...how do you dispose?

If you are "in town" depending on what type of traps you are allowed to use determine the way I dispatch a critter it varies we are allowed to double bag them and put them in the trash here our landfill takes them. There are creative means of getting rid of carcasses I trap and have several bait piles going year round mostly for 2 reason I know where the preds will be on opening morning of trapping season and the preds feed at the bait piles not at my birds pens
HAHA i usually drown them alive in the pond. squrriels ect.... they think they are scuba divers for a few mins then they go night night. try it out you just drop it in there and walk away.
I personally wouldn't feed raccoons to the chickens or any other animal because of the risk of parasites(raccoon round worm). Maybe gutting/cooking the raccoon is sufficient to prevent risk? I don't know personally.

For the same reason, be very cautious around raccoon feces and make sure to bury raccoons deep if they are killed/disposed of. I don't know how susceptible chickens are to the parasites but it can be fatal in humans(rare and uncommon that humans catch it).

Yeah, I forgot to put cooking on my list, but I do cook them. I figure people eat raccoon , so it must be ok for chickens:)
I agree with those who have said that if you don't plan on killing it, don't bother trapping it in the first place. "Trap and release" sounds nice, but as others have pointed out, it's not pleasant for the animal when you release it into unknown territory that may not be able to support it. If it can't find "natural" foods to eat, it may end up in MY yard, after MY chickens, and will be trap-wise so it will be harder for ME (well, my DH, actually) to get rid of it. (Although, I would take care of it myself if he weren't around to do so) So please, either deal with your own problems, or let them be, but don't dump them somewhere else. If you don't own a gun, do you know someone who does? If it's illegal to shoot it where you live, can you and whoever you find to shoot it for you drive out into the country and kill it? That method of "trap and release" would be a little better. Trap, take for a drive, shoot it, release it into the ditch. Then you don't have to worry about how to dispose of the carcass, either. There's always dead stuff in the ditches here, but that's because of roadkill...

ETA - As I was thinking further on the "trap and release" method, I had a great idea! There are lots of unsecured garbage cans in town, right? And bird feeders, and cat food out on decks at night, and people who think raccoons and possums are cute and intentionally feed them, right? So maybe I could trap my poor wild raccoons and possums who have to forage for food and release them in town where it's easy pickin's for them!
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How do I dispose of a predator? I have a post hole digger and an 8 inch auger. I will dig down about four feet. Drill the hole, drop in the guilty party, cover with lime and push the dirt over the hole. That the easiest way I've found yet.
Female, total lover of animals, never killed a thing larger than a spider in my life. I think I'll do as some suggest and get a paint gun and just scare the suckers from my yard.

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