When you wear a BYC shirt & buy chicken, do you feel funny?


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
I went to KFC today and as I was waiting for my food I realized I was wearing a "Got Chickens" BYC shirt in a restaurant that specializes in chicken!

I wasn't uncomfortable or anything, but was wondering what was going through the heads of the people around me.

This, or anything similar ever happen to you?
I got this from Ranchie, but I say, "I'm having a chicken I never met for dinner."

Gotta admit though, I am eating less and less chicken now that chickens are pets.
I would feel funny wearing one period. Sorry, not a 'wear a t-shirt to represent what I like/believe in' type of person, aside from band t-shirts.

Nifty, they were probably wondering what your shirt says when you go to the grocery store.
Got milk, bread, light bulbs, toilet paper, Goldfish crackers...

How about when you go to the mechanic.... Nope, not gonna say it.

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