Where can I find Silkied varieties of rare, or uncommon breeds.

I've seen someone with naked orps
I know I am with how long I have had this account. Took a hiatus and came back to a radically different byc :oops: 😅
Same. I remember back when Eggbid.com was a thing and BLRW eggs sold for $54.00 for 6+ eggs. Penedesencas were the fad breed with chicks selling for $100 each as day-olds. Everyone wanted Marans, Barnevelders, and Welsummers. CCL weren't a thing. Neither were Ayam Cemani or any of the trendy hybrid crap the hatcheries are turning out.
Same. I remember back when Eggbid.com was a thing and BLRW eggs sold for $54.00 for 6+ eggs. Penedesencas were the fad breed with chicks selling for $100 each as day-olds. Everyone wanted Marans, Barnevelders, and Welsummers. CCL weren't a thing. Neither were Ayam Cemani or any of the trendy hybrid crap the hatcheries are turning out.
Remember the Serama cult? (I love seramas but back in the day ooof soo many)

Or the mix reception Green Fire Farm got when they came to the scene?

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