Where did they come from...part deux

Soon you will be posting images like these,,, :thumbsup
If you have a wildlife center close, I would take him there. They will determine if he needs any additional care, and will find a good place to release him when/if he is ready.
The one linked above is about 16 miles away. They are great folks there...but I know they take care of soooo many animals. If the bunny is fine to go it on his own, I'd rather do that. I'd hate to have to put an unnecessary burden on the Red Creek folks.
Check the warehouse next few days for more brothers and sisters. Then release by your home or away from dangerous areas so lil ones can have their place in nature.
A long time ago a family member was keeping rabbits as pets. They found lil babies of the wild variety and rescued them. They did not thrive in captivity and all expired after a while. Final conclusion,,,,,,,,,,, the pet type thrived, and the wild type did not. so in best interest, need to be released.
KettermanHillCoop,, :hugs
If you have a garden you value I would advise against releasing it near your home. Bunnies are cute and all, but they are my enemy ;) and reproduce like, well, rabbits!
Eh...I have all sorts of critters around my place. One more rabbit won't make a difference. lol Vinegar soaked cotton balls in a film case with a puncture hole in the lid keeps the critters from munching on my grub...for the most part.

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