Which chicken breeds are the most quiet and nice?

My EE is constantly "talking" her head off! All day, she makes noises no matter what's going on. She gets loudest when she finds herself separated from the other girls. In other words, she is NOT QUIET. I don't know if it's because she's an EE, though, or if it's just "her personality".

My Silkie makes tiny peeps, especially when i talk to her, but they're not loud at all. And she never crows or sings.
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I live in suburbia in an 8000 square foot lot. Chickens are not legal where I live, so I wanted a quiet breed. I have 2 easter eggers they are 1year old, and they hardly make a sound. They give me 2 pale blue eggs a day except during a molt for 1 of them. No Egg song. Almost no noise, my neighbors didnt even know I had chickens. I had one Welsummer with them from chicks. It had to go when it got older cause she was a screamer and I was scared since Im on the down low. LOL
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