Which cream legbar rooster do I keep?

1st roo

Unfortunately I didn't take any chick pics. We had hatching eggs and thet were hatched under a silkie who was very reluctant to share them with us!

The white on the comb seems to be skin pigment like on the earlobe? - you can just see it in the photo above.

From memory, the headspots were equally defined so it was clear for autosexing.

Is a crooked comb the kink at the base as both have got this - I will give another pic to show it?

I got the eggs from a breeder in Newent, Gloucestershire, UK

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Here are my boys.

- the first 3 pics are the lighter rooster. He has 5/6 spikes on his comb, is more timid with us but great at looking out for his girls. I like his colouring - he is leaner but I think a great shape. Oh, and he has an area of white (like on his earlobes) at the base of his comb on one side?

- the second 2 pics are the darker rooster. He only has 4 spikes on his comb (should be 5 - 7 we think?), pecked my camera when I was taking the shots and is very untolerant of our Maran cockerel. My husband thinks his markings are better.

But we're no experts - over to you guys and gals for your comments?

Really appreciate your feedback and thanks for all your replies so far.

I like the second boy better.
Number one concerns me with how little barring he is showing overall and there is just too much white on his chest area and the fluff under his tail region. His back seems a bit too flat and his earlobes have a bit more red than is desired. The white on the comb would be an unwanted issue for me. His comb also seems a bit fly away in the back and really not sloping downward and following the line of the neck. He seems to have good size to him and should beef up more but he does not seem to be holding himself 'upright' enough for me, he seems more forward in his stance but this could be just in this photograph. He's crested but with a floppy comb. Floppy combs are a serious fault but not a DQ so you could breed him and see what he throws as roosters with this fault do throw straight combs in some of their offspring so not a hopeless cause. We've been having a discussion about silver on the legbar thread and this guy just seems too white overall - he'd be a nice candidate to test breed.

Number 2 has nice overall barring and more of the correct color tone in the area of being 'cream'. He also seems to have a better back angle and his earlobes are better colored in my opinion. His comb is floppy but since he's not a show bird I'd breed and cull hard for that going forward. I even like the look of his wattles more than in number 1. Type and color-wise I prefer the second one. Depending on your hens you should have some nice off-spring. My boys who grew up together will tolerate one another but not other roosters.

Nice boys you can send them my way if you'd like.
Hello, and welcome to BYC!!
Glad to have you aboard!!
Thanks for that - I will bear all your points in mind. Maybe we should test breed both and see what they throw?
Eggcellent pictures and example  -- so you kept the middle one?  (from the photo the right one looks a bit bigger.....)  They are all nice roos though. 

Right guy was in mid-crow and fluffed up, he was only slightly larger when standing normally. I could not believe how well they lined up, the juvenile delinquents! Since I took his brothers away the one left has been very wary of me.
Welcome! Tough choice! They both have good leg and beak coloring.
Number one has a great tail (those lesser sickle are hard to find), better full back, fuller chest, and sounds like he has a great demeanor. Faults: Combs with a fold are going to be disqualified in competition (and the bend is not something you want to keep in any offspring either), and you want a more even barred coloration in the body (see how some is barred, and some looks all white with blotchy dark patches in the pics). Could number 1 be a bit sick?
Number two has a good tail (and maybe more sickles may come with age) and beautiful coloring. Faults: short back, severely sloping chest, needs one point on the Comb (but this is 1/2 a point deduction so nothing terrible). Looks healthier, but maybe it's just age or something.

Both boys are beautiful. Best wishes with your chicken adventures!
Welcome! Tough choice! They both have good leg and beak coloring.
Number one has a great tail (those lesser sickle are hard to find), better full back, fuller chest, and sounds like he has a great demeanor. Faults: Combs with a fold are going to be disqualified in competition (and the bend is not something you want to keep in any offspring either), and you want a more even barred coloration in the body (see how some is barred, and some looks all white with blotchy dark patches in the pics). Could number 1 be a bit sick?
Number two has a good tail (and maybe more sickles may come with age) and beautiful coloring. Faults: short back, severely sloping chest, needs one point on the Comb (but this is 1/2 a point deduction so nothing terrible). Looks healthier, but maybe it's just age or something.

Both boys are beautiful. Best wishes with your chicken adventures!
No, both boys are really healthy - just different. We are going to try breeding from both and see what we get? Maybe I'll post some pics of offspring later in year to get your valued comments? Thanks to everyone for their feedback, Kindest Regards, Helene
If you have the room, it its always nice to keep a back up roo in case something happens to your main guy - injury, death, infertility

We will keep other roo ................. for now, till we see what we get, then decide. Kind Regards, Helene

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