Which cream legbar rooster do I keep?

this male is Golden(S/s+) Heterozygous columbian(s+ from legbar parent/ S and Co from Silver Columbian parent, )

Following rooster's genetic make up S/s+ e+/eb Co/co+ Ig+/ig B/b+

some of the UK breeders are doing very very bad breeding practises, this rooster is clearly golden(S/s+) single Barred(B/b+) and heterozygous Columbian(Co/co+) on a side note you can see how Golden(S/s+) males can have nice lemon colored hackles and saddle

nice Columbian Leghorn Male. from my dear friend
this male is Golden(S/s+) Heterozygous columbian(s+ from legbar parent/ S and Co from Silver Columbian parent, )

Following rooster's genetic make up S/s+ e+/eb Co/co+ Ig+/ig B/b+

some of the UK breeders are doing very very bad breeding practises, this rooster is clearly golden(S/s+) single Barred(B/b+) and heterozygous Columbian(Co/co+) on a side note you can see how Golden(S/s+) males can have nice lemon colored hackles and saddle

nice Columbian Leghorn Male. from my dear friend
That is so interesting. On my computer screen, no lemon shows up -- he looks 80% all white. So the top rooster of the two originally pictured is 1/2 CL and 1/2 Columbian?
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That is so interesting. On my computer screen, no lemon shows up -- he looks 80% all white. So the top rooster of the two originally pictured is 1/2 CL and 1/2 Columbian?
on Golden Columbian birds, the Lemon is only shown on the hackles and saddle.. I believe the Top rooster has Co/co+(heterozygous Columbian) and is het for Barring also B/b+
I see the Lemon color on my screen in his hackles and saddle-on the last picture especially.
This is an older laptop--- (about to die actually) - and that could be part of it...I'm not seeing colors beyond white.... Thanks for the clarifications guys.

ETA - Okay if I open full size in new tab, I see faintly on neck hackles and maybe a pepper of chestnut on wing covert.
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Here are my boys. - the first 3 pics are the lighter rooster. He has 5/6 spikes on his comb, is more timid with us but great at looking out for his girls. I like his colouring - he is leaner but I think a great shape. Oh, and he has an area of white (like on his earlobes) at the base of his comb on one side? - the second 2 pics are the darker rooster. He only has 4 spikes on his comb (should be 5 - 7 we think?), pecked my camera when I was taking the shots and is very untolerant of our Maran cockerel. My husband thinks his markings are better. But we're no experts - over to you guys and gals for your comments? Really appreciate your feedback and thanks for all your replies so far.
did you breed from your lighter male? Ive just picked up a rooster that i now think may not be a pure cream legbar.
I have the same question, although I'm not sure I can post pics yet. I ended up with 19 cockerels and am raising them together in hopes they will get along. I am planning to keep 3.

There are a couple of lighter yellowish, then the majority are either darker grey or brownish with red hues. I'm not sure which ones are correct representations of the Jill Rees line but I wanted to also make sure I keep the best 3.

They're two weeks old now and starting to feather out at different rates and sizes. There are a couple that are lighter weight and smaller and seem to be developing more slowly.

Any advice?
I have the same question, although I'm not sure I can post pics yet. I ended up with 19 cockerels and am raising them together in hopes they will get along. I am planning to keep 3.

There are a couple of lighter yellowish, then the majority are either darker grey or brownish with red hues. I'm not sure which ones are correct representations of the Jill Rees line but I wanted to also make sure I keep the best 3.

They're two weeks old now and starting to feather out at different rates and sizes. There are a couple that are lighter weight and smaller and seem to be developing more slowly.

Any advice?

This thread is not active, you should join us over on the other active Cream Legbar threads, read a little chat a little, ask some questions and share some pictures of your chicks with us.

I don't want to overwhelm you with links but if your interested in reading the Cream Legbars proposed Standard you can read it here

My advise would be don't make judgments to quickly especially at 2 weeks old, they go through many different stages of changing. These cockerels will change drastically week to week. Hold onto them for as long as you can so you can see them mature. You can get a fairly good idea of a decent male by 16-18weeks of age. In my experience, Rees males are tricky, many(though not all) have lots of faults and need some work. Though I find the Rees pullets/hens are generally very nice and good representations of the breed, from what I have seen.

Another suggestion, keep records and pictures as they grow, even band them if it will help you remember who is who when looking back.

Do you have a pullets to go with them also? Did you get them from Greenfire or a local source?
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That's great that your in NE, I am in central MA myself. They are GFF line and two weeks old. I have a plethora of hens, and am looking for homes for some of the roosters and hens. GFF was generous in sending extras and I ordered more than I needed expecting losses and ... well all are healthy and thriving, so plan B! lol

Thanks for the info on the links to other threads and the pointers on tracking them. I separated out the six smallest today and put them in a separate box to give them better access to food and water to see if they catch up to the rest in size and weight. I mixed in some ground oatmeal and blended it with their food in a food processor this morning to see if that encourages them to eat more and grow their appetites.

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