Which fence?


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Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Which of these fences should I use for goats? Or should I use something else entirely?




https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/red-brand-goat-fence-48-in-x-330-ft?cm_vc=-10005 (or other "sheep & goat" fencing, they have a few)

I have heard that the horse one is the best for them but I also can't really justify spending that kind of money when the welded wire is so much less and/or the other fences are way more wire for the same amount. But I will if it's really the best or only option. I have also recently heard that welded wire is not recommended for goats? Why? It says they can bust through it? Is that always the case? I would likely be getting 2-4 wethers. Probably either Nigerian Dwarf, Alpine, Oberhasli, Toggenburg, or Boer.
My friend had goats. She used the metal roofing for the fencing. Her goats loved too break out when fencing was used cuz they could see thru. With the metal roofing, they can't see out so they don't know there's something better on the other side. Just my 2 cents.

That's a good idea!! May see how expensive those are.

You want quail.

LOL that too!!!

Oh and many years ago when I had one goat, she too broke out all the time. We had see thru fencing, chain link.

How did she get out?
That's a good idea!! May see how expensive those are.

LOL that too!!!

How did she get out?
Really never figured it out. We assumed she climbed. We chased her many times around the neighborhood and across people's yards and decks. Quite hilarious. She was a stinker. The male I had before her was a peach. Never ran away, would walk with us like a dog, not even on a leash. Both were same breed, pigmy. Maybe it's a male/female thing. However, my friends goats were a different breed, I don't know what kind. She had a male and female and it was her male that always got out first. Sometimes the female would follow but not always.
Really never figured it out. We assumed she climbed. We chased her many times around the neighborhood and across people's yards and decks. Quite hilarious. She was a stinker. The male I had before her was a peach. Never ran away, would walk with us like a dog, not even on a leash. Both were same breed, pigmy. Maybe it's a male/female thing. However, my friends goats were a different breed, I don't know what kind. She had a male and female and it was her male that always got out first. Sometimes the female would follow but not always.

Wow they sound like real characters!!

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