Which of your chicken breeds went broody?

I have a Jersey Giant Sitting on 17 eggs, two of them are supposes to hatch this Monday
Same, this is our first year ever having a broody hen, thats why i bought brahmas along with the jersey giants hearing that they go broody often.
So that i could have a few hens hatch their own chickies
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RIR- Hatched 1 chick successfully. 2nd chick hatched successfully, mom drug the chick with her to go take a dust bath and the other hens pecked it to death, 3rd egg was pipped but I brought it inside and then it got shrink-wrapped because of humidity factors.

Buff Orp-hatched 6 out of 12

Golden Laced Wyandotte- started 13 eggs but I ended up putting them in the incubator because she was not being a good broody.

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