Which Roo Would You Keep?


13 Years
Jul 30, 2010
NE Indiana
So, I have a guy coming tomorrow afternoon to buy my 2 ND wethers, and all my extra roos and 4 pullets. I am selling one of my silkie roos, and can't decide which to keep. There are 2 choices.

First up, The Gestapo


Second is Confetti


Pros and Cons:
The Gestapo:
Pros: He defends the flock very well.
When he "attacks" it's very amusing.
Kind of a unique personality.
Lives up to his name.
Cons: He comes after me w/o provocation.
Comb not up to breed standard.
Coloring a little off
Lives up to his name.

Pros: Very sweet attitude.
Calls the girls to eat.
Perfect comb.
Pretty coloring.
Cons: Not so much personality-wise.
Hubby and 16-yr.-old son prefer The Gestapo.
What is more important? Breed standard or personality?

Something to think about - your 'sweeter' roo might only be so because he lives w/ a dominant roo.
I can't help it----I must keep The Gestapo! I am not breeding for "Show Quality", so I have to go for personality. I also realised yesterday that one of my SGs, Charlotte, is really a "Charlie". Dang it! So, after the guy comes out, I'll have 1 silkie roo, 1 turken roo, 1 EE Cross roo, 1 Polish roo and 2 SG roos. I also have a BR roo, but he is crippled and not agressive at all. Really, none of my roos are agressive (except The Gestapo)----I just don't want torn up hens!

The ones the guy is taking: 1 silkie, 1 turken, 3 ee cross-------thinking about giving him one of the SGs too.

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