Which sells the best? Geese, ducks, or turkeys?


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2022
Hello there so I’m thinking of adding one more type of poultry to my poultry breeding project and I mainly wanted to know which of the following types of poultry will sell the easiest/best is it geese, turkeys, pekin/Cayuga/khaki Campbell ducks, or guinea fowl? Also I have a fairly small yard area with neighbors nearby so will few geese will be too much noise wise? Are mallard derived ducks just as loud as geese or quieter? And also can pekin ducks hatch out their own ducklings?
ALL my neighbors know I have geese. Anyone passing on the street gets yelled out. Walker, biker, mailman, UPS, the kids next door (who they don't yell at when said kids are in their own yard), etc. I have 3 acres and they love to hang out in the front and 'guard' the street.

Ducks can be noisy as well. The raw-raw-raw-raw-raw-raw of one yelling for fun or the noisy gossip sessions of a group of girls. The ducks are much quieter than the geese by volume but chatter more.

Both the drake and the gander announce when they are walking (I assume to keep the flock close.) Its not loud, but it might be noisy enough for picky neighbors to complain about.

I've read guineas are -very- noisy, but no first hand knowledge.
ALL my neighbors know I have geese. Anyone passing on the street gets yelled out. Walker, biker, mailman, UPS, the kids next door (who they don't yell at when said kids are in their own yard), etc. I have 3 acres and they love to hang out in the front and 'guard' the street.

Ducks can be noisy as well. The raw-raw-raw-raw-raw-raw of one yelling for fun or the noisy gossip sessions of a group of girls. The ducks are much quieter than the geese by volume but chatter more.

Both the drake and the gander announce when they are walking (I assume to keep the flock close.) Its not loud, but it might be noisy enough for picky neighbors to complain about.

I've read guineas are -very- noisy, but no first hand knowledge.
What about turkeys? Are they quiet enough for a neighborhood area? I would assume they are quieter than ducks and geese.
It's going to depend on the market. Is there a demand for meat birds? Based just on lot size, I'd only be looking at ducks.
There is demand, but I don’t know for which type of meat bird specifically. I think I can fit a few turkeys on my property, aren’t they quieter than ducks and geese and less likely to bother neighbors?
What about turkeys?
Welcome to BYC! :frow

A group can gobble pretty loud..

I wonder about Muscovy.. I'm under the impression their very quiet. They definitely hatch their own babbies.

I have a fairly small yard area with neighbors
This rules out adding another fowl for ME. Even on an acre here.. it can be a challenge to manage all the personalities throughout the weather changes. What size are you talking.. Turkeys will require containment to not visit the neighbors in my experience.

Maybe quail are a better option for you.. I don't think they are all that quiet (roosters still crow) but their space requirement is WAY less and they're eggs are allergen free.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

A group can gobble pretty loud..

I wonder about Muscovy.. I'm under the impression their very quiet. They definitely hatch their own babbies.

This rules out adding another fowl for ME. Even on an acre here.. it can be a challenge to manage all the personalities throughout the weather changes. What size are you talking.. Turkeys will require containment to not visit the neighbors in my experience.

Maybe quail are a better option for you.. I don't think they are all that quiet (roosters still crow) but their space requirement is WAY less and they're eggs are allergen free.
Hello there I actually already have Muscovy ducks and quail haha, I’m just wondering what my third type of poultry should be. If I get turkeys I only want three or at most four, just one Tom and a few hens. I think I’m leaning towards turkeys, but pekin ducks also appeal to me.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

A group can gobble pretty loud..

I wonder about Muscovy.. I'm under the impression their very quiet. They definitely hatch their own babbies.

This rules out adding another fowl for ME. Even on an acre here.. it can be a challenge to manage all the personalities throughout the weather changes. What size are you talking.. Turkeys will require containment to not visit the neighbors in my experience.

Maybe quail are a better option for you.. I don't think they are all that quiet (roosters still crow) but their space requirement is WAY less and they're eggs are allergen free.
And I’m thinking if I get pekin ducks so only want like 4 females and one drake.
Pekin are unlikely to hatch out their own ducklings. You are more likely going to have to incubate the eggs or get your Muscovy to hatch the eggs. Also you can potentially end up with hinnies or mule ducks.

Ducks are usually really loud. An individual duck can be quiet, but their is usually someone who will quack loudly. I live in a rural area and all of my neighbors on my street know I have ducks.

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