White Chinese doesn't understand water

All the varied concerns and comments have been interesting regarding Bruce the Chinese White Goose. I rescued him two weeks today and he is enjoying a new life dramatically. Some details; while I indicated he was placed in a private fishing lake compound comprised of 5 separate bodies of water, some visualized a pond in the middle of the desert. After I tossed Bruce into a small pond several times, he eventually jumped in himself when I encircled him. The following day when he saw me coming, he jumped in and swam to the middle of the lake like an Olympic champion. Two days later and as of now he has taken up with 10 domestic ducks and has become their leader.
I now feel about Bruce's swimming skills somewhat like how I felt after I almost killed myself climbing 100'+ into a forest pinetree to rescue our cat as a forest fire approached. Like one of the fireman said, they always come down. Geese always swim!
He is enjoying life, drinking good water and eating lots of grass and occasionally goose pellets. Today he was sitting with his ducks appx 6' from two first year American White Pelicans who have been visiting since last Monday. Bruce is also becoming more involved with two other Chinese Whites and the very intelligent Embden I rescued last year. I expect Bruce to cozy up with a Canada Goose pal within the next couple months, as each other domestic goose has 1-4 CG pals. Last comment, when I visited Bruce today, after I rubbed his head, he nibbled me hard enough and I'll no longer treat him 'tame' in any way. Some of his clipped wing feathers have already grown back in and I hope his pitiful little tail feathers will make a strong comeback. Also, he is VERY vocal after saying nothing the first few days.
Bruce is now one of the pack and I wish him and long and happy life. Any suggestions on how I might speculate on his age?
Thanks for your concerns. I'm not an amateur at rescue, just never had a goose that was afraid of water.



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Well done you, Bruce looks very happy with his new mates!
Our Chinese grey, Jack who we raised from 2 weeks old is not really into water, he has a kiddies paddling pool which he is more than happy to swim about in but we thought it would be nice for him to have a proper swim so we spoke to the guy over the road who owns a little 9 hole golf course with a small lake, took Jack over there, chucked him in and he came out like he'd been scalded, tried again, tried pushing him gently into the shallow water, nothing worked so he's back to paddling around in his kiddies pool and coming indoors at night an dhaving a bath in the house!!!
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Update on Bruce...he has developed into a real character...very entertaining. His feathers have grown out to perfection, he has a dozen or so duck friends and he loves the water. He went from swimming in near circles as he didn't understand paddling coordination to a fast traveler. He recognizes me from across a 6 acre lake and rapidly swims to the shore and approaches me with a cute side step action and proceeds to untie my running shoe laces. He's a real chow hound and friendly. And...talks almost constantly, at least when I'm around. He is well cared for and is apparently enjoying his new lifestyle.

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