White Leghorn, the forgotten breed

My white leghorns tend to get "red in the face" way crazy early, so also way before they start laying. :idunno dunno why.

But they do usually lay early, 18 weeks.... I actually don't keep track...sorry.

Of course since we are past the solstice and days are getting shorter when they lay might be a bit later.

Here is a photo of an old hen, I think two years old, rose comb.


My broody Leghorn hatched out the 2 EE eggs I gave her. She is such a good Mom!! She's protective and teaches them to find food and tries very hard to get them to follow her up the ramp back into the nestbox. Some times they get it other times I help them out. Today they are a week old.

My broody Leghorn hatched out the 2 EE eggs I gave her. She is such a good Mom!! She's protective and teaches them to find food and tries very hard to get them to follow her up the ramp back into the nestbox. Some times they get it other times I help them out. Today they are a week old.
My little Brown Leghorns went out with the other chicks to a grow-out coop and pen where they will spend the next few months. When they start laying I'll have to put some nest boxes in for them but that should be a little ways off. My young Whites have started laying but they are a couple of months older. I have a broody Rhode Island Red that is sitting on a golf ball. No eggs under her. I don't want to start with chicks again this time of year so she will have to be content on sitting on the golf ball.
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