White mass in chicken eye

What you can try, I'm not a vet. 1/4 teaspoon of borax, in one half pint of warm tap water. Stir the heck out of it and leave set for 10 minutes. Either poor it off slowly leaving into another jar, leaving what didn't dissolve behind, or just poor through a coffee filter. Use a bare (needle less) syringe Squirt it all up in and around, don't touch they eye, but soak it good, wait ten minutes, do it again. It's the same as the $30 eye wash bottle in a commercial first aid kit, and it will loosen puss or wound tracts. Will help the infection too. good luck
Have you personally done this?

I have to disagree.
Borax (laundry soap)is toxic to chickens. Perhaps you are thinking of Boric Acid which is found in some ophthalmic products, even at that Boric Acid should not be used in chickens.

A purchased saline solution can be used or if the OP desires it, they can make their own.

This is from the Borax website https://www.20muleteamlaundry.com/compare/borax-vs-boric-acid/
Borax is safe when used as intended
Borax should not come into contact with your eyes or mouth. It is considered an eye irritant and may be harmful if swallowed.
As with all household products, borax should be kept out of reach of children.
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Have you personally done this? Yes, Do you understand LDL ? Water is toxic humans. Fact. Oxygen is toxic, it will make people go all loopy loop, and then cease and die. Quantity and dosage everything. Borax is a salt, all warm blooded animals with die without boron. It is crucial for the skeletal system Boric acid is, boron dissolved in nitric acid and is very
A purchased saline solution can be used or if the OP desires it, they can make their own.

This is from the Borax website https://www.20muleteamlaundry.com/compare/borax-vs-boric-acid/
Borax is safe when used as intended
Borax should not come into contact with your eyes or mouth. It is considered an eye irritant and may be harmful if swallowed.
As with all household products, borax should be kept out of reach of children.
It's *not* the same.
You're right, it's not the same. I'm sorry in the bottle it is precisely measured, into distilled water, and sterile packed. But it is still water and sodium tetraborate.
You're right, it's not the same. I'm sorry in the bottle it is precisely measured, into distilled water, and sterile packed. But it is still water and sodium tetraborate.

Do you have a credible source that says it's okay to use Borax as an eye wash? I would love to read that it you do.

"Borax and boric acid are not the same compound; borax is a salt of boric acid. The less common chemical names of the substances make it clear that these are two entirely different chemical compounds; borax is sodium borate, while boric acid is hydrogen borate. Because both compounds share a use as relatively safe chemical insecticides, their names are often used interchangeably in layman's terms.

Boric acid and borax are both best known as low-toxicity pesticides used in homes. Neither chemical is toxic to humans nor pets when used as recommended, and neither chemical has been shown to contribute to cancer or other long-term illnesses. As a result, these compounds are used as natural and safe ways to combat ants and other pests.

Borax is also used in soap and laundry detergent, welding flux, tooth bleach and water softeners, while boric acid is used in food preservation, tanning, industrial lubrication and as a medical antiseptic. Their disparate uses also make it clear that they are two separate chemicals. When shopping for one, do not accidentally buy the other, unless the only use is as an insecticide. Another reason these compounds are sometimes confused is that boric acid is a precursor to borax, but this reaction is not something that occurs in the home; it is an industrial reaction used in the production of borax. "
Source: https://www.reference.com/science/borax-same-boric-acid-319fa5e46d85e4d5
Great news! I left her alone a couple days, because the saline washes and ointment ritual we were following was not helping much. I've been keeping an eye on her (lol) and finally this morning it looked more accessible. So this is most of it that had... risen to the surface (maybe?). There's a bit left in her eye but I will wait and see if it also gets looser before trying to pull it out. It really weirdly looks like scrambled egg. View attachment 1889383

I think I got very lucky with whatever this is! It has been a long week or so of many eye related dreams and nightmares and sympathetic eye twitches. Thank you guys so much for all the advice, it is so wonderful to have people to ask who have experienced similar issues! You guys are lifesavers :).

Ps. I personally wouldn't use borax for eyes, but I like it for laundry detergent and I use it for ants and roaches with possible moderate success.
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