White Plymouth Rock?


6 Years
Jun 14, 2014
Im new to raising chickens and have a question. About 11-13 weeks ago I ordered 6 chicks from a local feed store. I ordered four Rhode Island Reds and two barred Plymouth Rocks. As time went by I began to realize these are not Barred PR. They are solid white and I'm wondering if I was sold white Plymouth Rock instead.

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They were grey white as chicks. They are very friendly and seem to be the leaders of the flock. Im still happy if they are white Plymouth Rocks. After the fact, I did some research and it guess I should have known immediately that they were not barred chicks.

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I have too many types of chickens, mostly pullets, to remember what the white birds were when bought within the first week of their lives. My conundrum is this: I bought four, 1 day olds that were supposed to be White Plymouth Rocks. These are now about 9 or 10 weeks old and one, believe it or not, has commenced laying pee wee eggs! I 'm beginning to think I was sold a bill of goods as these things, as cute as they are with their incredible personalities, are not White Plymouth Rocks, I don't think. They are quite trim with very erect fan type tails. What I'm looking for is some list of the morphology of the two types (are these demons possibly White Leghorns?) so that I can discern what breed these are. As for personalities they are into everything. They fly up on the table when I am working on it and they rush to be put away in their coop at night. These have a great curiosity about everything they meet. And they are fearless taking no crap from the Rhode Island cock with whom they were reared. These are obviously very intelligent as birds go. They also spend a fair amount of time roaring around the property with wings in flight mode flying just a foot or so above ground level. They seem to enjoy these outbreaks of rip and tear. Some of the other breeds are beginning to get in the mood of the thing and will follow their example. But what are these happy white demons?!? I almost forgot to mention… Two of these pullets have rose combs and two have single combs; otherwise they are identical. Again, what are these nosy, into everything, flying maniacs? Any ideas? If you would like to discuss this burning problem you may call me any day or hour at (209) 327-2068. I'm mystified.
Thank you,
Neal, the Zooman
The rose comb ones sound like Rhode island whites, the single comb ones I'm not sure they could be white Plymouths, white leghorns or they could also be a oops in the riw good luck, I have white Plymouths....I think lol and mine are robust and bossy! They lay normal to large brown eggs, (white leghorns lay large white eggs and are slim large combed chickens)

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