White Rock or Leghorn?


13 Years
May 10, 2010
I thought these cockerels were white leghorns, but I saw a photo of a white rock rooster, so now I am confused.

What breed are they? And, how can you tell?

I don't really have a strong opinion on what breed they ought to be, but I'm trying to educate myself.

Oh, and they are both a little over 2 months old.


Those are NOT leghorn roosters..that one closest in the picture has red earlobes leghorns only have white ears..can't see the ears on the back one that well but it looks like it may be the same as the one in the front.Also you have way too many points on the comb to be a leghorn
This is a leghorn rooster more mature but you can see his earlobes are white he's been very busy with the ladies and not perfect feather.We have leghorns in many colors here.
It looks like the one in back might have white earlobes, but it's hard to tell from the picture. The one in front definitely has red earlobes so I would say it's a white rock.
the one in the back may or may not have white ears looks like you can see a hint of red with the angle of the picture but the comb is still wrong to be any leghorn.
Correct leghorn shoudl have white lobes. Can you post a better picture of the lobes. If white leghorn. If red could be White rock but the tail is big for a White rock rooster, IMO

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