White Sport Cream Legbars

I believe the white ones are "Recessive" white and thats about it. they have all of rest of the genes found on CLB. how and Why they came about it? I just dont know where did the gene came from but its not from the leghorn side of the breed. and why do they accour more on GFF lines? I believe this is due to having a very closed gene pool(few starting breeding stock) and thats why they are starting to pop up/

and if you pay attention you can Sex them at hatch.. Males on the sides, Female on the center

but how? pay attention to the headstripe. males wont have one(very messy head chick down) but Females will have a well defined headstripe

here another look at the same pic

another pic two males on the sides

so sofar I see they carry the Barring gene(homozygous and hemizigous form for females) they carry the e+(wildtype) e allele and are autosexable
The white sports carry a recessive gene so when mated together they should 'breed true' and produce more recessive white offspring. They are rare only in that they are non-standard and a good breeding program for the standard Cream Legbars would probably seek to eliminate the gene or not perpetuate it in a cream flock so they should not sold as 'breedable' Cream Legbars. They are more of a byproduct I guess. If mated to a standard CCL they should produce more standard CCLs unless there both carry the same recessives in the mating but they will perpetuate the gene within that flock. There is talk that they may not be able to reproduce due to some lethal tie in with the gene but that has not been definitive, just mostly conjecture at this point but if so that may be another reason for their rarity.
If the legbar breeders decide they want to standardize the white legbar make sure they include that the down phenotype is auto-sexing. Unscrupulous individuals may use dominant white to produce a white legbar.


The young pullet in the picture is typical of birds I synthesized- it produced a blue egg and is crested but the down color is pure white-not autosexing.

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Has anyone bred white CL to white CL? What were the hatch rates? Whether there is a lethal gene or not is kind of important.

Tadkerson, what do you mean by synthesizing? Did you cross breed? The white sport CLs that we're talking about are purebred Cream legbars, they just have that recessive white gene.

Mahalo, Puhi

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